Sermon for today by Joyce Meyer : One Good Habit Leads to Another

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Topic: One Good Habit Leads to Another

I believe that forming the habit of thinking and speaking good things will definitely lead to many other good habits. The power
of life and death are in the tongue, and they who indulge in it must eat the fruit of it (for death or life) (Proverbs 18:21).

joyce meyer ministries
joyce meyer ministries

If we develop the habit of speaking life at all times, we will have life and have it more abundantly. However, if we speak death
(negative things), that will be our experience. The writer of Proverbs stated that we will be filled with the fruit of our
mouth and that we must be satisfied with the consequences of the words we choose to speak, whether good or bad (Proverbs

I have been studying, teaching, and writing on these Scriptures for more than thirty years and they still amaze me.
Do we realize the power that God has given us in the choice of our words? I don’t think we do, for if we did, surely we would
make better choices.

This must be a matter of constant prayer, for no man can tame the tongue without God’s help (James 3:8). Hundreds of
Scripture verses are about the tongue and the mouth and words. I have most of them underlined in my Bible, and quite
often I go through and simply remind myself of the power of my words. I also pray about this area, asking God to let the
words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart (thoughts) be acceptable to Him.



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Our words can help us or harm us in any area of life.
Words are spiritual, for they cannot be seen, and they reach into the spiritual realm and begin to create our future. According to Genesis, God created everything that we see with words!

We are created in His image and told to follow His example in all things, so why would our words not work
the same way?

About Today Bible Verse

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