Table of Contents
Topic: Believe
If you want to break a bad habit, you must believe that it’s possible. If you try to conquer it while your thoughts and words
are filled with doubt and unbelief, you are not likely to experience victory. Even if you have tried a thousand times previously and have never been successful, believe that this time will be different.
Jesus told His disciples that if they would only believe they would see the glory of God (John 11:40). Even if you have days when you’re not very successful, keep believing. I think it makes the devil furious when we keep saying,
“I believe that
God is working and I am free.”
Believe God’s Word more than you believe how you feel, and learn to say what God says about you and your life.
God’s Word says that we are dead to sin and that our relationship with it is broken (Romans 6:2) and that we are alive to God,
living in unbroken fellowship with Him (Romans 6:11). That means that, spiritually speaking, you are already free from all
bad habits, and you just need to believe it and start applying the freedom that Jesus purchased for you with His death and
resurrection. We may not feel that way, but that is what God’s Word says. It further says that we are to consider (think) ourselves dead to sin and our relationship with it broken
(Romans 6:11).
How do you think of yourself? Do you always see yourself as someone who is in bondage and a slave to bad habits, or will you take a step in faith and believe you are free?
How you think about the problem you have or the bad habit you want to break is very important, because our thoughts fuel our actions. You can control your thoughts and
should never think that any bad habit is beyond being eliminated from your life.
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Keep thinking,“I can do this with
God’s help.” Remember, the experts say it takes thirty days to
make or break a habit, and if you take it one day at a time it
won’t seem so difficult.
I realize this principle of believing before seeing may not make any sense at all to your mind, but it is God’s formula for
success. In the world we are only willing to believe after we see and have proof, but in God’s Kingdom we believe first by
faith without any natural evidence and then we see the result.
Believe first, and then experience freedom. Believe God’s Word and results will come.
So far, the things I am urging you to do are:
1. Start every day with God—ask Him for strength and guidance early each day.
2. Be very committed and ready to suffer for a season if
3. Be careful what you say about the habit.
4. Think positive, faith-filled thoughts about your journey.
5. Believe even when you have not yet seen results