Sermon for today by Joel osteen: GOD’S SECRET FORMULA IS JOY

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Joy doesn’t depend on how much money you’ve got. Joy doesn’t depend upon whether you don’t have any storms in
life. Joy doesn’t depend upon what happens to you and yourfamily.

Joy does not give way to heartache and pain. Joy is knowing your name is written in heaven and Jesus is your Lord. So rejoice!

And what the world needs is joy. Joy will sustain you when the winds are blowing. Joy will sustain you when it’s dark.

Joy will sustain you when you get a bad report from thedoctor. Joy will sustain you in the battles of life. And the reason we can rejoice is because our names have been enrolled as the sons and daughters of the Most High God.

Let heaven shout it and earth send it back with joy.

Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and we are tapped into the
abundant life of God.

Joy—God’s secret formula.
Joy—stamina that keeps you going.
Joy—because we see what the world doesn’t see.
Joy—because we know what the world doesn’t
Joy—because our ears hear what the world
can’t hear.

If you know your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you can have that joy because everything is settled in life
and in death. When you realize what you’ve done, and your name is written there in letters of gold, no matter what happens
to you, you’ve got it made, because you’re headed for an eternity where there’s no death, no sighing, no crying, no pain,
no separation, no sorrow; where you’ll be happy forever andforever.



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If we don’t see you here, we’llsee you over there.
So if you have trouble and trials and tribulations, get joyful about it. Start thinking about how great your God is.

Start thinking about the greater One who lives on the inside of you. Recognize that whatever heartache may have come to
pass, it didn’t come to stay. Joy unspeakable and full of glory
is in Christ!

You just have to face the fact that you’ve got a decision to make. When the trouble gets bigger, turn up the joy valve.
Do a little dance. Glory in your God. Just praise Himmore and more. Let your joy come out, not because it’s in the natural that you should be joyous; but you know something that the world doesn’t know. You hear something that the world doesn’t hear.

That joy is God’s secret formula. That joy will get you through any trial, any storm, over any mountain, and through
any tunnel of pain. Oh, you may be hurting in your body, but your spirit is singing. That is joy.
You know how it’s going to come out. Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Jesus is your Lord.

God is your Father. The Holy Spirit dwells in you. Angels are all around you, and goodness and mercy are following you.
Joy unspeakable AND FULL OF GLORY

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