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Topic: Is Today Tomorrow?
[Seeds of Destiny 13 October 2019 Devotional]
Life is not a rehearsal; it is reality. Do it now, delay means decay.
SCRIPTURE: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. PSALMS 90:12

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Life is not a rehearsal; it is reality. Do it now, delay means decay.
Today, our study would be in the form of a question: ‘Is today tomorrow?’
Sometime ago, one of my children met me and made a request which I promised to attend to the next day. In my words, I told him, meet me tomorrow to get what you requested for. So, the following day he met me and asked, ‘Daddy, is today tomorrow?’ That is, the tomorrow you talked about, is it today? Are we in the tomorrow you promised to attend to my request?
After that scenario, as I thought within myself, I realized that time draws closer to us each day that passes; tomorrow will soon become today; today will soon become yesterday; yesterday will soon become bygone days, and bygone days soon become history.
The truth is, the finish line draws closer to us every day that passes; seconds soon become minutes; minutes soon become hours; hours soon become days; days soon become years; and years soon become lifetime.
Beloved, the bitter truth is that every human being on earth is closer to his/her grave today than yesterday. Do not waste your life thinking you have all the time in the world. The life you are living now is not a rehearsal, it is reality. Time is constantly in motion, so you have to keep moving. Please, those great visions you have planned to achieve in future, do them now because delay means decay. The future you have been waiting for is now!
REMEMBER THIS: Life is not a rehearsal; it is reality. Do it now because delay means decay.
1.Take each day as if it is the last because one day it shall be the last.
2.Approach life with urgency because you don’t have eternity to fulfill destiny.
3.Never waste your time nor allow anyone to waste it for you.
PRAYER: O Lord, help me to live the life I was meant to live. I receive the impartation for urgency and the grace to fulfill my destiny on time, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.