Seeds of Destiny 7 January 2020 Devotional – The Necessity Of The Fear Of God

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Topic: The Necessity Of The Fear Of God
Never take God for granted so you don’t end up grounded in life.

SCRIPTURE: By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. Proverbs 16:6

Seeds of Destiny

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Never take God for granted so you don’t end up grounded in life.
Sometime ago, I heard the story of some rebellious children who wanted to drive somewhere, perhaps for revelry or for some aimless and reckless socialization. Their mother said to them, ‘Children, may the Lord go with you.’ And one of them replied, ‘mother, there is no space for God in the car anymore, we have occupied all the seats, maybe God can find a space in the car boot.’ What a reckless and blasphemous utterance!

Shortly after they moved, they had a fatal accident that claimed all their lives. But surprisingly, the car boot where God was meant to occupy, according to them, was unscratched including the crates of eggs that were there, none of the eggs was broken by the impact of the crash. Incredible!

Beloved, whatever pushes you against God, church or a genuine servant of God is a setup for damnation. Nothing finishes a person fast like the lack of fear or reverence for God (Proverbs 10:26).It is the bankruptcy of the fear of God that can make a pastor lie on the altar; it is the scarcity of the fear of God that can make a church worker steal from the offering box; it is the lack of the fear of God that can make a believer dupe another believer in the name of doing business; it is the bankruptcy of that fear for God that makes a person leave church at the end of service and proceed to an alcoholic centre or pub to drink himself to stupor. It is the lack of reverence for God that makes a person to proceed to the house of a man or a woman to commit immorality even after Sunday service.

Please, never take God’s mercy for granted so you don’t end up grounded in life and wasted for eternity.

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But you shall make it, in Jesus’ Name.

REMEMBER THIS: Never take God for granted so you don’t end up grounded in life.

1.Avoid people that derive pleasure in talking against God, church or genuine servants of God.
2.Be a true Christian; be real. Don’t be fake; be authentic.

PRAYER: Lord, I disconnect from any association aimed at destroying my life on the platform of the lack of fear of You. Deliver me from every rebellious lifestyle. Help me to be a Christian in words, appearance and deed O Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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