Seeds of Destiny 7 August 2020 Devotional: The Quest For Pleasure – A Sign Of The End Time

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Topic: The Quest For Pleasure – A Sign Of The End Time
The craving for self-pleasure is the root of many vices. It is for the sake of self-pleasure that people engage in dirty competition.

SCRIPTURE: For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. Matthew 24:38

Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA
Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Beware of the strategies of satan to make people engage in the pleasures of this world and end in hell.

Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that a major sign of the end time is existence in pleasure.

In the end time, people will exist just for fleshly pleasure; they will eat and drink only for pleasure. The flesh will become the god of many people. People will live just for the sole purpose of gratifying the flesh.

It is important to know that what people call “secular humanism” is nothing but man being a god to himself, and living solely for himself. So, in the end time, the sins of the flesh will multiply; the devil will give people abundance of flesh-gratifying agenda to fulfil.

In the last days, the devil will orchestrate everything to make sure that people are busy with the flesh. He engages people in the abundance of internet games, video games, social media distractions, etc. just to keep them occupied with the flesh at the expense of their spirituality and their souls.

Today, luxurious objects of pleasure are everywhere just for the sake of fleshly gratification. For example, before you talk of the 2020 Model of an automobile, the 2021 Model is ready. I even heard that many automobile companies have already designed up to 2060 Model and are only waiting for them to be released at the right time.

Today, many young girls are into prostitution because they want to look fine, have expensive shoes and dresses, and have the latest mobile phone, preferably the iPhone. They move about with vanities all over their body in the form of seductive dressings and outlandish accessories and makeups. They put five rings in one finger, five ear rings in one ear and wear nose rings, anklets, etc. They pierce their tongue and other unlikely body parts, all in the name of self-pleasure.

Now, what is the reason behind the scourge of kidnapping that we see today? Why do people steal money just to drink alcohol, take cocaine, buy cars, houses etc.? What about ritual killing, armed robbery, hired assassination, etc.? Why do people sit in government offices and embezzle public fund? The reason is self-gratification, self-pleasure and vanity.

The craving for self-pleasure is the root of many vices. It is for the sake of self-pleasure that people engage in dirty competition. They buy houses abroad because their friends have houses abroad. They want to travel to London because their colleagues have been to Paris. The question is: if you have one hundred houses, how many of those houses will you sleep in, in one night? And when you die, how many houses will be buried along with you? These are the questions to ponder on.



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Beloved, beware of the vanities of the flesh. Beware of the strategies of satan to make people engage in the pleasures of this world and end in hell.

Remember this: Beware of the strategies of satan to make people engage in the pleasures of this world and end in hell.

Refuse to exist just for fleshly pleasure.
Refuse to be drawn into fleshly competition with anyone.
Endeavour to live in the Spirit always.

PRAYER: O Lord, deliver me from the carnal pleasure of this end time. Help me to follow You diligently in holiness, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: What are the controlling desires of your life? What do you desire above every other thing in life? What drives you? Is it God, worldly pleasure or self? Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Jeremiah 4-6

AMAZING FACT: Animal behaviourists have concluded that cats don’t meow as a way to communicate with each other. It’s a method they use for getting attention from humans.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Grace to overcome fleshly pleasures is released for you right now in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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