Table of Contents
Topic: More Keys To Experiencing A New Beginning With God
Anywhere the Spirit of God is at home, new things happen on a continuous basis.
SCRIPTURE: In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1:1-2.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The atmosphere of the move of the Spirit of God is the atmosphere of new beginnings.
In our previous study, we saw a key to experiencing a new beginning with God. It is coming to the end of oneself. To experience a new beginning with God, you must come to the end of yourself because God only begins where man ends. God is not at work where man’s energy is doing what God is meant to do. The end with man is the beginning with God.
Today, we shall be looking at more keys to experiencing a new beginning with God:
Create the atmosphere of the move of the Spirit.
The atmosphere of the move of the Spirit of God is the atmosphere of new beginnings (Genesis 1:1-2). Anywhere the Spirit of God is at home, new things happen on a continuous basis. In the beginning of creation, the Spirit of God moved on the waters. It was when Ezekiel was carried in the Spirit of the Lord that dry bones came alive (Ezekiel 37:1). To experience a new beginning, you must ensure that the Holy Spirit is free to move in your life.
Watch out for Divine instructions.
New things happen when God speaks. At creation, God spoke (Gen. 1:3). Before God does anything, He speaks His Word. That was why before Peter could catch the multitude of fishes, Jesus told him to launch his net (Luke 5:4). Before the water was turned into wine, Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots with water (John 2:7). The Word of God precedes the Works of God. The revelations of God precede the manifestations of God. If you have not run out of His voice, you cannot run out of His works.
My counsel is, allow the Spirit of God to move in your life. Look out for what God is saying and do it.
Remember this: The atmosphere of the move of the Spirit of God is the atmosphere of new beginning.
Create the atmosphere of the Spirit of God around you always by worshipping, praying and studying the Word of God.
Always watch out for Divine instructions and obey what God reveals to you.
PRAYER: O Lord, I thank You for Your word to me today. I ask for a fresh infilling of Your Spirit on my life. I receive the grace to receive new instructions from You and do them in order to experience a new beginning Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: The word doctrine is instruction. The Bible is given to instruct and to teach you what to do. Culled from “MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: The Bible has inspired more songs than anything else.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Grace to receive clear instructions from God is released upon you now in Jesus’ Name.