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Topic: Surrender – A Major Secret Of Moses’ Generational Impact
When you surrender your certificate, your expertise, your knowledge, your wisdom, and talent to God, He will turn them into generational tools of impact in your hand.
SCRIPTURE: And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. Exodus 4:2-3.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you come to the end of yourself, you are at the beginning with God.
Previously, we saw that coming to the end of oneself is key to experiencing a new beginning with God. For instance, it was when Adam came to the end of himself by agreeing to sleep that God made Eve for him (Gen. 3:21-22).
Now, it is important to understand that apart from Adam, examples abound in Scriptures of people who came to the end of themselves, and experienced new beginnings with God. Moses was one of such people. He came to the end of himself and saw God mightily at work in his life. But forty years before this time, Moses had tried to do the work of God in the energy of the flesh by killing an Egyptian who fought against his fellow Israelite. He then ran away from Pharaoh who wanted to kill him for killing the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-15). Moses was on the run from his life’s assignment for forty years. When he returned to God through the Burning Bush Encounter (Exodus 3:1-3), God told him, “Before I can do anything with you, you must pull your shoes” (Exo. 3:5 paraphrased). The pulling of the shoe was a sign of surrender. To pull your shoes means to surrender your motion, direction and steps to God.
Another way Moses surrendered himself to God was the dropping of his rod on the ground (Exodus 4:2-3). God asked him to drop the rod he used in tending the flock for forty years and he did. That rod signified his business tool or power. God seemed to tell Moses, “For forty years, this rod has been in your hand but it has produced nothing. Surrender it to me and see what it will produce.” And he dropped it. But when he picked it up again, it was no longer an ordinary rod; it has become a tool of vengeance, a judgemental instrument that parted the Red Sea, buried Pharaoh and sank his entire army.
Imagine that! For forty years, the same rod was useless in Moses’ hand but when he handed it over to God, it became impactful. This is a major secret of Moses’ generational impact with God.
Beloved,when you surrender your certificate, your expertise, your knowledge, your wisdom, and talent to God, He will turn them into generational tools of impact in your hand. When you come to the end of yourself, you are at the beginning with God.
Remember this: When you come to the end of yourself, you are at the beginning with God.
Like Moses, submit your rod of human connections, certificate, expertise, knowledge and talents before God in order to experience a new beginning with Him.
Do not lean on your own understanding; trust and look unto God absolutely.
PRAYER: O Lord, I receive Your help to surrender my life and all that I have before You. Help me Lord to trust You absolutely in order to see Your power at work in my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: There are things still hanging in the lives of Ministers – men of God and children of God – that make it impossible for God to use them as weapons in His hands. He says, “Before I can use you, you must surrender yourself to Me for chiseling. Surrender yourself to Me; let Me remove some things from your life that are preventing Me from anointing you the way I should. Surrender yourself to Me; let me remove some things in order for you to be qualified to be effective.” Culled from “THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Statistics shows significant impact of church attendance on humanity: 68% of church-goers become better after going to church; 69% get their kids helped; 66% get comforted and 81% build their relationship with God.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Whatever was useless in your hands before now, as you surrender them to God, you shall experience awesome impact through them in Jesus’ Name.