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Seeds of Destiny 30 July 2018 Monday Devotional – DIGC Paul Enenche
Topic: The Importance Of Living As A Generational Problem Solver – (DIGC) Seeds of Destiny Devotional by Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche
“Dunamis International Gospel Centre” Date: Monday 30th, July 2018.
SCRIPTURE: For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: Acts 13:36.
The voice of impact makes you live beyond your time.
God wants to take you from the realm of impacting just a person to the realm of impacting families, communities, states and nations; that is living as a generational problem solver. It is living to be an asset, blessing, answer, and illumination, not just to the people around you but to communities, states and nations. This is what living as a generational problem solver means.
Now, what is the implication of this kind of lifestyle to your health and vitality?
1. Living beyond yourself is living beyond your time
When Dorcas, for example, died, the widows showed Peter the proofs of the impacts she made on their lives, then Peter prayed and she came back to life (Acts 9:36-39). Impact has a voice. The voice of impact makes you live beyond your time. The good deed you do today speaks for you tomorrow in times of need.
Generational Impact provokes generational goodwill which results in personal welfare
One day, Jesus Christ was preaching and a woman stood in the crowd and said, ‘Blessed be the breast that gave this man suck. She seemed to have said, ‘I am the reason your mother gave birth to you. Thank God for the breasts that breastfed you.’ (Luke 11:27 paraphrased). Seeds of Destiny 30 July 2018
Beloved, God will bring you to the point where generations will thank God because of you. And when people who are praying for you are many, the prayer you are to pray for yourself will reduce. Your prayer and wish now is how God will help others.
Remember this: The voice of impact makes you live beyond your time.
ASSIGNMENTS: Seeds of Destiny 30 July 2018
Decide to live beyond your time by impact.
Pray for God to use you for the deliverance and salvation of families, communities, states and nations.
PRAYER: O Lord, I ask for the grace to impact people in greater dimensions. Help me to pray for and be instrumental to the deliverance and salvation of families, communities, states and nations, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
2 Chronicles 26:1 to 28:27, Romans 13:1 to 14, Psalm 23:1 to 6, Proverbs 20:11.
AMAZING FACT: The Albatross has a wingspan up to 14 feet and only needs to land once every couple of years to breed. Seeds of Destiny 30 July 2018
TODAY IN HISTORY: 30/07/1956 –
The phrase “In God We Trust” was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
Seeds of Destiny 30 July 2018 – QUOTE: We do not lack impact – national and generational – because of lack of proof; we lack impact because the proof is not full. Culled from MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY by Dr. Paul Enenche