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Topic: The Force for Change
[Seeds of Destiny 29 August 2019 Devotional]
The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change. If you need your life to change more than it is, your faith must move higher.
SCRIPTURE: By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. Hebrews 11:29

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change.
A study through the Book of Hebrews Chapter Eleven confirms that faith is the supernatural force with which supernatural changes are effected. If a person desires a change in any realm of life, the force that is needed to effect that change is faith.
The woman with the issue of blood needed a change in her body, so she pressed through the crowd by faith saying that if she could touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, she would be made whole. And by that force of faith, a change was inevitable (Mark 5:28-29).
Beloved, take note of the following key facts:
a. The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change. If you need your life to change more than it is, your faith must move higher.
b. The limit of your faith is the limit of your progress. If you want to see progress in the area of power with God, finance, or marriage, you need more revelation and understanding that will fuel your faith in that direction.
I see great and positive changes coming your way today as you shift in faith, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change.
1.Company with God in order to acquire the Faith-Character of God.
2.Make the study of God’s Word a priority.
PRAYER: Lord, baptise me with the Spirit of faith. I refuse to doubt Your Word concerning my life. Thank You for the fulfilment of Your Word in my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.