Seeds of Destiny 23 July 2020 Devotional — The God Addict

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Topic: The God Addict
There is no genuine dedication without addiction. When you are addicted to God, your survival without God is impossible.

SCRIPTURE: For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. – Philippians 1:21

Dunamis Church Abuja Live
Dunamis Church Abuja Live

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: One who is addicted to God is absolutely dependent on God. When you are addicted to God, your survival without God is impossible.

Yesterday, we established that dedication implies living in defence of the cause of God in the earth. It is being jealous for God. Elijah was jealous for God and defended His cause on earth when he killed the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:36-40). Esther defended the cause of God’s people, the Israelites and was ready to perish, if possible, for the same purpose (Esther 4:16).

Today, we shall look at another implication of dedication: dedication to God implies addiction to God.

There is no genuine dedication without addiction. When we say someone is addicted to cocaine, it means they are dependent on cocaine. So, one who is addicted to God is absolutely dependent on God. When you are addicted to God, your survival without God is impossible. When people live on drugs, until they are helped, they would have terrible withdrawal symptoms. If they don’t take the drugs, their body would be shaking and vibrating. When you are addicted to God, you can’t survive without time with Him in worship, praise and prayer. You can’t live for a week without studying the Word of God if you are truly dedicated to God. A dedicated Christian is a God addict. He or she is incurably addicted to God.

When you are dedicated to God, there is a godly climate you are addicted to. For example, when I was in the medical school, I would pray between one to three hours every morning before going for classes at 8am. Then, the first session of the class was from 8:00am to 12 noon, while the second session was from 1pm to 6pm. In-between these two sessions, I would still pray and meditate on the Word for about thirty minutes. I told myself that if for any reason, I oversleep in any day or something made me not to pray as I ought to, the next day would be used to pay for it.

Addictions usually come with costs. That is why some people can sell a whole house to buy cocaine or other addictive substances. In the same way, if you are addicted to God, there is nothing you can’t give up for the pursuit of God. It was Paul who said, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). A dedicated person lives on Christ just like drug addicts live on drugs. Therefore, my counsel is, live on Christ; live in the Word; live in worship; live in God’s Presence.

Remember this: One who is addicted to God is absolutely dependent on God. When you are addicted to God, your survival without God is impossible.



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Ask God to break every illegal addiction in your life.
Make up your mind to be addicted to God.

PRAYER: O LORD, I ask that You break every illegal addiction in my life. I receive the grace to be addicted to You, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: It doesn’t matter what you don’t have, if you have God, you have too much. And it doesn’t matter what you lack, if you lack God you lack too much. Culled from “365 WISDOM CAPSULES” by Dr Paul Enenche

DAILY READING: Isaiah 25-27

AMAZING FACT: The first authorized Bible printed in English is the Great Bible of 1539. King Henry VIII of England declared that it should be read loud during the church services in the Church of England.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: As you exist in addiction to God, you shall exist in distinction in life in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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