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Topic: Preserved By The Blessing
[Seeds of Destiny 2 December 2019 Devotional]
The Blesser is the Preserver; God cannot bless you and allow your destiny to be eaten up by a witch doctor.
SCRIPTURE: The LORD bless thee, and keep thee. Numbers 6:24

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Blesser is the Preserver; God cannot bless you and allow your destiny to be eaten up by a witch doctor.
Preservation in this context is the act of protecting or safeguarding something or someone from harm and danger.
One of the most potent forces on earth is the force called the Blessing, the Blessing of God. The Blessing of God has so much to offer the children of God but there is a poverty of understanding, so, there is a scarcity of the full dividend thereof (Hosea 4:6). Divine Blessing goes beyond material or financial increase. The Blessing is not a church greeting vocabulary (bless you); it is a Divine force for the guarantee of the change of life and the shield of God on the life of the blessed. One of the components of the Blessing of God is PRESERVATION (Numbers 6:24). The Blessing releases the power for Divine preservation.
Please know this: To be blessed by God is to be preserved by God. The Blesser is the Preserver and the Blesser is also the Keeper.
God cannot bless you and leave you to be wasted; He cannot bless you and allow your destiny to be eaten up by a witch doctor. His commitment to blessing you is also His commitment to keeping you.
So, to hurt a blessed person, is to invite the wrath and hurt of God on your life.
TODAY, I prophesy to you, in this month of December, you will not be wasted; your destiny will not be eaten up by any devil or his agent in Jesus’ Name.
REMEMBER THIS: The Blesser is the Preserver; God cannot bless you and allow your destiny eaten up by a witch doctor.
1.Desire the blessing of God above anything else.
2.Look for Scriptural revelations of God’s promises for your preservation and eat them.
PRAYER: Lord, bless me indeed. I make demands on the mystery of Divine preservation on my life, family and destiny in this season, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.