Seeds of Destiny 13 August 2020 Devotional — The Scourge Of Broken Promises

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Topic: The Scourge Of Broken Promises
Looking up to a man’s promise can cause frustration! To look up to man is to sign for heartbreak. This is because man can change, man can fail, and man can die. But there is a God who cannot fail, change or die! He is the Lord that changeth not

SCRIPTURE: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers…2 Timothy 3:1-3.

Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA
Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you encounter a lot of people who promise to do something for you and they change their mind, don’t be surprised. That is truce-breaking, and it is a sign of the end time.

Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that in the last days, there shall be the multiplication of trucebreakers. The end time is characterized by the abundance of broken promises. Truce-breaking is the order of the day in the end time. The word “truce” implies covenant or agreement. Therefore, trucebreakers means agreement breakers, covenant breakers or promise breakers.

Agreement breaking is more commonly pronounced in the political world. When people are coming out to contest for elective political offices, they make unrealistic promises they know they cannot fulfil to the people. Yet, they make those promises just to get into power by all means. They are truce breakers! They are covenant breakers!

When it involves money, agreement between two people is always a challenge. In the end time, broken promises shall abound. When you encounter a lot of people who promise to do something for you and they change their mind, don’t be surprised. That is truce-breaking, and it is a sign of the end time.

Some people make promises, and when you approach them to fulfil their promises, they begin to wonder when they made such promises. That is truce-breaking. It is a sign and symptom of the last days.

The truth is, looking up to a man’s promise can cause frustration! To look up to man is to sign for heartbreak. This is because man can change, man can fail, and man can die. But there is a God who cannot fail, change or die! He is the Lord that changeth not (Mal. 3:6).

My counsel to you is, don’t be a promise breaker. Don’t say things you know you will not do. Don’t tell lies; be truthful always.



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Remember this: When you encounter a lot of people who promise to do something for you and they change their mind, don’t be surprised. That is truce-breaking, and it is a sign of the end time.

Don’t be disappointed if someone makes a promise to you and fails to fulfil it.
Make up your mind not to be a promise breaker.
Do not depend on the promises of man. Look up to God.

PRAYER: O Lord, I receive the grace not to be a covenant or promise breaker. Help me to hold on to Your promises alone and not the promises of men, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Offering inspiration to a sinner produces inspired lawbreakers–people breaking the law with inspiration. Culled from “MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Jeremiah 22-24

AMAZING FACT: A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the telephones of the world combined.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to be a covenant keeper and to look up only to God in all things in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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