Topic: The Password To God And His Kingdom
[Seeds of Destiny 13 August 2019 Devotional]
The Master admonishes us to become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
SCRIPTURE: And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:1

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Humility is a major mark of childhood.
Childhood is a world of innocence and openness. It is a world of great delight, beauty and excitement. Such a captivating world captures the very nature and ambience of the Kingdom of God. No wonder, the Master admonishes us to become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Previously, we looked at the openness of a child. Today, we shall look at other characters of a child:
i. A child has no enemy. A child has no capacity to make enemies or live in bitterness. If you offend a child now, he would return and play with you the next moment. The complication of bitterness, unforgiveness and offence deny people access to God and His kingdom.
ii. A child has nothing to worry about. A child lives in the realm of anxiety freedom; his life and future are literally in the Hands of God.
iii. A child has no doubt. A child believes everything absolutely; that is why we hear children say things like, ‘My father is going to buy me an aircraft.’ They believe it is possible even when the father is not financially buoyant.
Beloved, as a child of God, you need to believe God’s promises, and also believe His judgment (The reality of heaven and hell) and let that shape your life. Do not hear one thing in Church and do the opposite. You must come to the point where the Word of God for you is not negotiable.
iv. A child cannot walk in pride. Humility is a major mark of childhood. A child does not have any personality to defend.
Beloved, you need to purge yourself of the monster called pride every single day of your life in order to have a place with God.
Remember this: Humility is a major mark of childhood
1.Go through today’s reading again.
2.If you have been doubting God’s Word, repent.
3.Do not negotiate your total surrender to God; live with the consciousness of eternity.
PRAYER: Lord, breathe upon me today. Cause my heart to be tender and separate me from things that keep me from You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.