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Why not shout another Powerful Hallelujah- – Hallelujah.

Lift your voice to Heaven and Celebrate this God:

Celebrate the Almighty God, the El-Shaddai, the God of Fruitfulness, the God of Enlargement, the God of Productivity.

Praise and exalt Him – There is no one like Him, and there is no one besides Him. He is Faithful, Dependable, Reliable, and He is worthy of our Praise.

There is no Impossibility with Him; there is no Impossibility in His diary. He can reverse the irreversible.

Praise and exalt Him – He can bring Hope even when there is Hopelessness.

Praise and exalt Him – He is the God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). He is God of our Expansion and Explosion.

Praise and exalt Him, Celebrate Him, Exalt Him, Adore Him, Lift Him High!

Thank You Father, Thank You Lord!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

Say Father; in this Shiloh Hour, terminate my Appointment with Barrenness.

Let my Barrenness be gone!

Let Barrenness be over in my Life.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.


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1. And we will say that You are Good
And all the Miracles You’ve done have brought us Joy;
For we are Changed, and all the Hope we have
We Place in You right now.

Father we declare That we love You
We declare our Everlasting Love for You;
Father we declare
That we Love You
We declare our Everlasting Love for You.

2. Jehovah (You are the Most High)
El-Shaddai (You are the Most High God)
Bright and the Morning Star (You are the Most High)
Jehovah Nissi (You are the Most High God)
Jehovah Rapha (You are the Most High)
Hallelujah (You are the Most High God).

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Thank You Father!

Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha, the El-Gibbor, the El-Shaddai, the Way Maker, the Mountain Mover, the Ocean Divider, our Original Rainmaker – The God of Enlargement.

The God of our Creativity, the God of our Productivity, the God of our Fruitfulness. The God of Papa E.A Adeboye. We bow before Your Awesome Majesty.

We say be Exalted, in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You for the Past Shiloh Hour Services. Thank You for what You have been doing on this Mountain. Thank You for what You are set to do one more time.

Please, be lifted up in the Name of Jesus.

For everyone that has come with Faith this Morning; Please Oh God arise; terminate our Barrenness, in the Name of Jesus.

Let this one be the Shiloh Hour that we shall remember for Good. That within the next Month Oh God, let there be a Voice of Celebration, let there be a Voice of Rejoicing, let there be Enlargement.

Thank You Father!

We Provoke the Oil upon our father-in-the-Lord. We Provoke that Mantle of Expansion and Explosion; let it work for us this Morning, in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Eternal Father!

As we are returning today, let us return with Singing and Dancing!

By the time we are coming back to this Mountain, we are coming back with our Testimonies.

Empower Your Word this Morning; and help this Your small boy.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

Why not shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Could you Please, put your two (2) hands together for the Lord? Celebrate Him!


This will be the Shiloh Hour that you will never forget, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

We want to appreciate our father-in-the-Lord and our Beloved mother, who have given us this Privilege and this opportunity to be Standing in for them this Morning.

We Pray that the hands of the Lord will be Mighty upon them – Amen.

The Glory of the Lord will Overshadow them – Amen.

They will live long – Amen.

… Can you say Amen to that Prayer – Amen!!!!

They will remain Strong, and they shall finish Strong – Amen.

If you believe in that Prayer, shout another Amen – Amen!

Turn your Bible with me to the Book of Isaiah 54:1-3, it says:

1 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.

2 Enlarge the Place of thy tent, and let them Stretch forth the curtains of thine Habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and Strengthen thy stakes;

3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

Shout Amen – Amen!

It says, “Enlarge the Place of thy tent, and let them Stretch forth the curtains of thine Habitations”.

Why the Preparation? You see, it’s because after now, there’s going to be a Manifestation – Amen.

Our father-in-the-Lord has declared this Month (October 2023) our Month of Enlargement – Standing on that, I will be speaking this Morning on: Divine Enlargement.

Our Bible Text says, “Enlarge the Place of thy tent”.

– There is a Connection between your Fruitfulness and your Enlargement;

– There is a Connection between your Productivity and your Enlargement.

As a matter of fact:

– Until you become Fruitful, you are not regarded to be Enlarged;

– Until you are Productive and Creative, you are not regarded to enjoy Divine Enlargement.

ALso see;rccg-light-up-new-york-crusade-2023-usb-arena-at-belmont-park-2500-hempstead-turnpike-elmont-ny-11003


Also see;dedication-of-rccg-his-glory-tabernacle-hgt-united-kingdom-with-daddy-and-mummy-go

And that is why I am Praying for somebody here today inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC; in the Name that is above every other name, in the next Nine (9) Months to come, you will carry your Twins; you will carry your Triplets, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Maybe you don’t believe in that Prayer, let me quickly share this Testimony:

Several years ago, I was Preparing to be married, and our father-in-the-Lord sent for me. He said son, I learnt that your Marriage is quite close by, knee down.

And he spoke words into my Life – You know the way our father-in-the-Lord Prays; he doesn’t waste time. His Prayer comes by Decree. Within few minutes he was already through with me and I left for my Wedding.

I didn’t know the implication of that Sure Declaration! At the dot of Nine (9) Months, my wife was carring a Bouncing baby boy; and I was carrying a bouncing baby girl – A set of Twins.

I Stand on the Potency of that decree: In the Name that is above every other name, in the next Nine (9) Months to come, your husband will carry one, you will carry another one, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Our God is Bigger, our God is Greater, our God is Larger than Life. There is Nothing little in His hands – In Nature, He is very, very big; in Action He is very, very big.

When God speaks, He doesn’t speak small words; He speaks Great words.

And that is why the Bible says in Isaiah 66:1, Thus saith the LORD, The Heaven is my Throne, and the Earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the Place of my rest?

He is so big and so large, that when He sits in Heaven, His leg reaches Planet Earth – That is the God we serve!

And in the words of our father-in-the-Lord, this our God is Greater than the greatest, Bigger than the biggest, Mightier than the mightiest. He is so Large that you can not measure His Largeness.

And I am Praying for somebody today or as you read now  – In the Name that is above every other name, around your dwelling Place, there shall be a Manifestation of God’s Enlargement, in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

That is why He says to you and I in Psalms 115:12 – To as many as are here today inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; the LORD hath been Mindful of us.

He says He will bless us, bless your house; bless them that fear the Lord (both great and small) – Amen.

Psalms 115:14 says, The LORD shall Increase you more and more, you and your children.

That means you are coming back with your children – Your Twins, your Triplets, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen

Listen to this Scripture in order to let you know that God does not accommodate Emptiness and Barrenness.

Songs of Solomon 4:2 says, Your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep which have come up from the washing, every one of which bears twins, and none is barren among them.

Your Twins are coming – Amen!

And none is barren among them.

Your Barrenness is over – Amen!


1. You were Created for Divine Enlargement.

In other words, you were created to be Fruitful.

Genesis 5:2 – Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

He created you and your husband. Why? Because He had at the back of His Mind, your Productivity and your Enlargement; your Fruitfulness and your Expansion.

I don’t know what the Doctors have said – Maybe they have said there is a low sperm count; maybe they have said there is a fibroid, ovarian cyst; or maybe they have said the womb has been ruptured;

I Stand in the Name of God that created you male and female: every Medical Complication, I cancel them in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

That fibroid shall be turned to a Fine Boys and Fine Girls, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

2. You were Configured for Divine Enlargement.

You were configured to Enlarge, to be Fruitful, to be Productive.

Genesis 1:26, when God wanted to configure us, He called the Trinity in Council. Then God said, “Let us make man in our Image.”

And the Image of God is Fruitfulness and Productivity. There is no Barrenness in His Image.

That is why the Bible says in Psalms 16:11 – In Your Presence is Fullness of Joy; At Your Right Hand are Pleasures forevermore.

There is Fullness; there is no Dryness in His Presence. And you are seated in His Presence today. So I speak to your Configuration, come alive – Amen!

And I speak to every Organ of your body that is not cooperating with your Configuration; I speak to that Sexual Organ, I speak to your womb, I speak to every Reproductive Organ in your body, I Command them to receive Life – Amen.

Listen to another Testimony: I was wondering walking on the Streets of this Redemption City and a woman met me on the road. She said Pastor, could you Please, excuse me? And I said, why not?

She said Sir, the last time I visited my Doctor, he said I am at my Menopause. Meaning what? I cannot Produce again and I have not given birth to any child. Then she said, if you can agree with me, I believe your God will answer me.

We stood on the road, and I held her hand and we Prayed just a Simple Pray and she left. Apparently, she came from Warri (Delta State Nigeria). And the following year I was invited to Preach in Warri.

As I was entering my Hotel Room, my Phone rang, and I heard the voice of the same woman. She said Pastor, I heard that you are in town. You will see me at that Meeting tonight, and you will see what your God has done.

By the time I saw her, she was carrying a bouncing baby boy on her right and and another bouncing baby boy on her left hand.

I speak on the Potency of that Testimony; in the next Nine (9) Months, you will carry your own Twins, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

… You were configured for Divine Enlargement!

3. You are Commissioned for Divine Enlargementm.

Meaning what? You were empowered for Divine Enlargement. In Genesis 1:28, the Bible says: And God blessed them,

It didn’t say God gave them money.

The interpretation of that word is this, and God endowed them; and God empowered them; and God commissioned them.

And He said go and be Fruitful, and Multiply, and Replenish the Earth, and Subdue it: and have Dominion.

There is a Power and Oil of Fruitfulness on the head of our father-in-the-Lord and on this Redemption City – And I leverage on that Power this Morning to speak to somebody today: Go and be Fruitful, Multiply and Dominate – Amen.

I was Preaching like this at a Meeting and I said as the Spirit of God laid it upon my heart – As many as are here including those reading now on the Label of DMC, that are looking for the Fruit of the womb; I said your next Encounter with your Spouse will settle the matter!

I didn’t know there was a Man there, they have tried several times Nothing happened. It was when he was giving his Testimony that we discovered that the Word was not an “Empty Word”.

He said Sir, the day you said that, I didn’t allow my wife to sleep – That Night we did what couples would do! And they brought the evidence.

I speak to you husband, I speak to you wife: your next encounter with your spouses, that will settle the matter, in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

So today you are Commissioned, Licensed, Empowered – Go and be Fruitful (Amen).

4. You are Commanded to Enjoy and Experience Divine Enlargement.

It is not an Apologetic Declaration; it is s Word of Decree. Like the one that our father-in-the-Lord spoke into my Life almost Thirty (30) years ago – A Powerful and Commanded word.

Now listen to me: when God has Commanded you, He is committed to make it happen.

And I Stand on the Oil of Divine Pronouncement upon my Life to Command, Go and be Fruitful – Amen!

You will come back with your Testimony – Amen.

“And God Bless them, and God said unto them…” These were not mere spoken words; these were words of Authority and Fiinality. Nothing stops it, Nothing can restrict it and Nothing can Militate against it.

Listen to me, the next time you will visit your Doctor, your Testimony will surprise your Doctor – Amen.

Every Medical jargon or whatever they have called it; will all bow now before your Testimony, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

5. You are Covenanted to Manifest Divine Enlargement.

You know, when you go to Genesis 12:1-3, there was a Covenant between God and Abraham. It was not just mere spoken word, it was a word of Covenant.

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy Country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a Land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a Great Nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name Great; and thou shalt be a Blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the Earth be blessed.

I decree after today, the Lord will Enlarge you such that your Twins will be crying in one room and your Triplets will be crying in another room – Amen.

There is what is called Generational Blessings – If your father (Abraham) did not fail, this Covenant will work for you and you will not fail – Amen.

There is a difference between a Promise and a Covenant: Oh! Promise may be delayed, barricade, denied and diverted.

But when a Promise graduates to Covenant, it can never fail.

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The Bible says in Psalms 89:34, I have made a Covenant with my Chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant: My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

I Stand here this Morning, leveraging on the Grace of God upon my father-in-the-Lord, and I enact the Covenant of Fruitfulness. Enter into it, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

That Covenant will not fail in your Life; it will not fail in your Marriage, and it will not fail in your home – Amen.

At the dot of Nine (9) Months, you will carry the Evidences of that Covenant, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

… Now as I begin to round up;


Our Bible Text (Isaiah 54:1-3) gives us the answer; “Sing O barren”. That seems to be contrary because when you see barren women, they are always sorrowful, and depressed.

By the Lord is saying, Change your situation, create an atmosphere for me to step into your Life and Bless you.

He is saying, Change your complain to Celebration.

1. He says, “Sing O barren”.

Meaning what? Celebration Precedes Preparation and Preparation Precedes your Manifestation.

2. After you have sang, He says go on and Enlarge.

Move from a “Self Contain” to a two (2) Bedroom, then your Personal building. He says go to the market and buy baby things.

I believe you have heard the Testimony of a woman; she came like this, and our father-in-the-Lord was Ministering;

He gave instructions on the leading of the Holy Spirit: after now, go to the Market and buy your baby materials.

The woman ran to the Market, bought baby things, Prepared the baby’s room. Nine (9) Months after, she carried her Evidence.

I Pray for you today – As you Sing, Rejoice and Celebrate, every dead Organs, every dead womb, shall come back to Life (Amen).

… Tell your Neighbour Sing, Celebrate and Rejoice!

And do you know there is a Connection between our Celebration and Fruitfulness?

Proverbs 15:15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

1 Samuel 1:19 says, And they rose up in the Morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her.

I want you to take note of what Hannah did here. She had been going to Shiloh with a heavy heart, and sorrowful spirit, yet she was not connected to her Enlargement.

That Particular Day the Prophet (Eli) saw her, he spoke to her. And by the time she left Shiloh, the Bible says, “And they rose up in the Morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned home…”

And what followed? “And Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her.”

I believe that is an instruction to somebody – As you leave the Meeting today, what will you do? Sing your Song, dance your dance. And tonight (if occasion Permits) do the Needful don’t miss it tonight.

And you will discover that this Particular Day, Week and Month, my God will remember you – Amen.

The same thing is repeated in Psalms 67:3-6; Let the People Praise thee, O God; let all the People Praise thee. O let the Nations be glad and sing for Joy: for thou shalt Judge the People Righteously, and govern the Nations upon Earth. Selah. Let the People Praise thee, O God; let all the People Praise thee. Then shall the Earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.

How many People of God are here this Morning inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC?

If you are among the people of God, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

After the Celebration, Manifestation will come – Amen.

Please, help me tell your Neighbour: Smile, Laugh, Rejoice, Celebrate!

Shout hallelujah – Hallelujah

As I close, the only thing that can hinder your Enlargement, Fruitfulness and Productivity is Iniquity.

And I will quickly run through the Story of Abraham; in Genesis 12 – The Covenant of Enlargement and Production was enacted.

In Genesis 15, when Abraham went to meet the Lord and said, “God, You Promised me Enlargement in Genesis 12 – I have seen Nothing.”

And the Lord brought him out: And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no Seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.. Genesis 15:3

So, the Covenant was Re-defined.

… In Genesis 12, the Covenant was Enacted; In Genesis 15, the Covenant was Re-defined.

And in Genesis 16, something went wrong – There was a Sexual Perversion, there was a Sexual Deviation. He slept with the Maid and that put a barrier upon the Covenant of Fruitfulness.

So the Covenant was Violated; the Covenant was broken. But this God is a Merciful God.

In Genesis 17:1 the Covenant was Restored! The Bible says there, And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou Perfect.

God said to Abraham, I don’t break my Covenant, it is you that sinned. I want to Clean you up. I want to re-visit the Covenant. Hence He said, walk before me, and be thou Perfect.

And the Bible says that Abraham bowed his head in Repentance, in Restitution. He asked for Mercy, “Lord, I am very sorry.”

I don’t know how far you have gone this Morning inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; into the world of Immorality, Carnality, Sexual Perversion, Pornography.

You have a wife at home, but because of the situation you are Passing through, you have shifted your focus – You are looking at other women. Many are even Praying for their wife to die.

I say, that woman will not die – Amen!

Together, you will carry your Twins and Triplets, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

And after Abraham repented before God – Not with explanation, but with Restitution; he asked for Mercy and the Covenant was re-visited and re-aligned in Genesis 21:1, And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.

Today, my God will visit you – Amen!

For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his Old age, at the Set Time of which God had spoken to him. And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born him a son in his old age. Genesis 21:2, 7

Sarah said, who would have believed that after the delay, after we have messed up, after the disappointment and frustration.

After all efforts, who would have believed that Sarah can breastfeed her own child?

And she said: God hath made me to Laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. Genesis 21:6

Listen to this: before you came this Morning, even while you were coming your Neighbours were Peeping at you “The Mother of Redeemed is going to Shiloh again: all these years she has been going, Nothing to show!”

I say, that would be the last one they will say – Amen!

They have been laughing at you; but after this Shiloh Hour, they will laugh with you – Amen!

They will attend your Thanksgiving Service and also Celebrate with you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

As you are rising up, I want you to shout a Celebration Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Listen to me: You are going to Sing that Special Song you reserved for your Baby’s Dedication – and you are going to dance.

He says, Sing O barren! That’s the instruction this morning.

And as you sing that Special Song, you will carry your Baby Prophetically, and you will dance.

Are you ready! Sing your Song: Celebrate your Fruitfulness, your Productivity and your Enlargement.

Thank You Father! In Jesus’Mighty Name we pray – Amen!


The only thing that can hinder your Enlargement, your Fruitfulness, your Productivity is Iniquity.

You know you are here inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you are not Born Again;

You have entered into Sexual Perversion. Sexual Deviation and Digression. You have started looking at another woman. You have started eyeing another man.

Maybe as you step outside you go to sleep with other men, saying: I will Pretend as if the Seed is for my husband. You know yourself.

He told His Disciples in Matthew 4:19, And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

If only you can follow this God – The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)

If only you would surrender your Life to Him today, there would be a New Beginning. He will Enlarge you and Provoke that Productivity resting inside of you.

So wherever you are right now, like Abraham did, you want to say God, I am very sorry:

I have lost hope, I have been offended in you. I have been offended in my wife and in my husband. And I thought it was my wife, that t was my husband, Instead of looking into You.

You want to say Jesus, I give my Life absolutely to you, do so now, as we Pray!

Say Father; I am very sorry. I return to You just as I am. Wherever I have deviated and contracted other gods, have Mercy on me and forgive me, O God.

Thank You Lord!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray – Amen.


Father, we Thank You! The God of Abraham, we Adore You.

The God that is so Merciful, so Compassionate, so considerate; behold these Your children today.

They have come out to say, we are very sorry! We have come to say that we have gone the wrong way. But we are here again to say “God, if You can’t do it, no Man will do it.”

Let the Voice of Mercy from Heaven locate them now, in the Name of Jesus!

It doesn’t matter where you have missed it, receive Mercy, receive Pardon!

Today, you are Saved, today you are Sanctified.

A New Covenant is enacted; a New Promise is enacted; a New Decree is enacted!

As from today, you will be Fruitful!

Go and sin no more!

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Congratulations to those of you who have Genuinely surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

Kindly forward your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests to our father-in-the-Lord who will be Praying for you.

God Bless You!


I want you to take your Offering, like Hannah went to Shiloh and she made a Vow:

That Vow violated her Barrenness, that Vow ended her Barrenness.

Make it a Covenant Offering – The kind you have not given before.

Are you ready now?

Lift it to Heaven and say with me – Father, this is my Offering for Divine Enlargement, Productivity and Celebration that is coming.

Take it O God, and let my Heaven be opened, let my womb be opened. And let my Celebration be activated, in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

You are going to dance like you have never danced before, to the nearest basket (online).

… And after that, we will make some Declarations. And we shall be expecting your Testimonies.

Please, Choir!


The Last time that Hannah appeared in Shiloh, the Prophet of God sighted her and he spoke into her Life.

… I want you to close your eyes right now and Stretch your hands infront of you.

I want to leverage on the Oil that is upon our father-in-the-Lord;

Of recent I appeared before him, he laid his hands upon my head. I will lay my hand you where he laid his hand.

And as make these Declarations over your Life, they will not fail – Amen!


Our God of Enlargement, our God of Productivity, our God of Creativity;

The God of Papa and Mama Adeboye: I put my hand where he put his hands of recent.

And I speak over these Your People that believe You for their Enlargement and Productivity.

I speak into to you now:

Your Barrenness is over!

Your Fruitlessness is over!

Go and be Fruitful!

Go and Multiply!

Go and Enlarge!

Every Medical Condition that has been hindering your Productivity, I Command corrected, in the Name of Jesus.

This Word will not fail in your Life.

Your next encounter with your Spouses, this matter will settled!

You will come back to this Mountain with your Testimony;

With the Voice of Rejoicing, with the Voice of Celebration, with the Voice of Enlargement, with the Voice of Expansion.

You will dance your Dance!

You will sing your Song!

Your Celebration will not elude you!

This is your Offering of Enlargement: the Lord Bless your Offering, the Lord accept your Offering.

And as you are returning, you are coming back with your Samuel, with your Isaac, with your Deborah, with your Joseph.

You are coming back carrying your Twins and Triplets.

So shall it be!

In the Name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

If you believe that this Word will work in your Life, jump up and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

As you are going, don’t forget the instruction: Sing O barren!

I will hear your Testimony! I will attend your Child Dedication – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


About Devotional 2023

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