Table of Contents
I am saying Good Evening to everyone. God Bless You – Amen!
Happy Convention in advance!
And I believe this Convention will be the best we have ever had, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
… Since it is a Family Meeting, kindly allow me to sit down!
I want to first and foremost say a Big ‘THANK YOU’ to the Pastors – For all you have been doing to Support the General Overseer over the years. Without God and you, we cannot achieve anything.
So, we want to say Thank You and God Bless You all – Amen.
At the same time, I want to say Thank You to those of you who paid us Courtesy Visits; and gave us Gifts during our Seventy-fifth (75th) Birthday.
The Lord will give you the Gifts money can never buy, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
We just want to discuss: MAJOR ISSUES HAPPENING IN RCCG.
Since we are talking about going to the Mountain Top; we don’t want anything to draw us back or pull is down.
In the Women Council of RCCG, we have noticed some Trends, that we think, this is the best time to talk about it. So that it can be corrected in our moving forward:
Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-1-morning-session-bible-college-graduation-service
It is the Nucleus of any Church or any Great Organization – The father, the mother and the children.
Thank God for the Family Weekend Programs that we normally hold once a year (Every November) in all our Parishes, Areas, Zones, Provinces and Regions.
But on a more serious note, we will like us to know that, Unity in the Family is very important.
From many of our Counselling of recent, we have seen that husband and wife are just co-habiting -:No Unity, no Love. Probably, they just greet in the morning and everybody depart to their Places of work.
Sometimes, the wife doesn’t even care whether the husband eats or not. And if the husband wants to eat, he already has some People who are selling in the ‘Bukateria’ where he can get ready-made food for himself – Which is a dangerous thing to any family man.
This is telling us that we should Please, as Pastors and wives, do the right thing. Because the young ones in the Church are watching us! And it is whatever we do that they will like to quote or refer to.
I Pray, we will all be Good Examples to all our young ones, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
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We also want to appeal to you, that you should always “Speak Out” when there is any Marital Problem or Health Issues – Most especially, women.
Women love to hide things.
Don’t hide things from each other – Husbands, don’t hide anything from your wife; wives, don’t hide anything from your husband.
Because we are all Pastors, we are the Extended Arms of God in the Kingdom.
And the moment we are not United, and we are hiding things from each, what will happen to our offspring when they get married?
We should Please, correct this in our midsts.
I Pray that in all our homes, there will be Peace, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Of recent also, we have heard that there have been Domestic Violence in some of our homes – Not all of them, some!
Physical and Emotional Abuse.
And the Bible warns us that there should be no strife among us.
But it is rather unfortunate that we, who are the Preachers of the Word are the ones allowing such things to happen – Physical and Emotional Abuse, Strife, Grudges, Unforgiveness; and we want to be on the Hill Top!
After this Pastoral Meeting (Ministers Conference) we believe Love – The kind of Love that Christ has for the Church, will return to every home, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
We are also appealing to all Parish to Provincial Pastors; that there should be Dedicated Phone Lines for Emergency Calls.
There must one – That anybody can call when they have issues in the Family.
Instead of calling the Police, and exposing and washing our dirty linens outside, let there be an Emergency Phone line that anybody can call – At least to save the affairs of our home.
And we are also appealing to all of us, most especially, at this time when things are hard in our Nation.
We should all know that our tomorrow will be alright – Amen.
We as Pastors and wives, should know that the hard times will not be forever – Which means, we should understand the times, and Order our Priorities:
I. Food should be Provided.
II. Caring for the children – Payment of School fees. And register your children where you can afford.
When you cannot afford Transportation to Study Abroad, and you are registering your children in the Universities Abroad; I don’t think that one is reasonable enough.
… We should Please, order our Priorities well – This is very important!
After the children’s School fees, other things can follow.
Because it is very common among our young ones now – They want to build houses, at the same time they want to ride in cars and their children are in school. Then they will begin to borrow money all around.
I don’t think this one is good enough.
Hence, we are appealing to all of you, that you should Please, order your Priorities well.
The first thing is food in the home; the second thing is the children’s School fees and other things can follow.
You may be living in a Rented house, later when God Provides, you can now build a house. And if buying a car is your Priority, then it is left to you!
“Let us cut our Coat according to our Cloth” – Don’t let us Spend more than we Earn!
III. Learn to Manage.
I hope the women are listening?
This is not the time to begin to give our husbands headache about you want to buy this, you want to buy that.
That means we are not ordering our Priorities well.
There are things we can manage – Even though food is very expensive these days, at the same time, we can still manage things.
We women, we know how to do it – Everyday cannot be Christmas Day.
Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-7-morning-session-thanksgiving-service
We should have Domestic Animals in our Compound.
Let us rare birds, deers, goats, etc.
By the Grace of God, I have been doing this before we became Born Again.
Anytime People visited us where we were living, at least I had something I can kill and cook good soup for the Visitor.
This is very essential. Don’t let us put our attention on things that are not necessary.
The Bible says we should seek first the Kingdom of God. And after that one, what is the next thing? All other things shall be added to us.
Don’t let us do things that can ruin our Health, jeopardize our Peace and then our children will become unsatisfied.
Whereas the Bible says, Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain (1 Timothy 6:6).
Let us live a Contented Life.
We know it is hard all over, but very soon, we shall enjoy Plenty, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Because the women are always accusing me of teaching only the women. Saying, what will happen to the men?
So we are appealing to the Parish fathers, Area fathers, Zonal fathers, Provincial fathers, Regional fathers to Please, face the Men’s Fellowship and let it be firmly established. Whereby we can be telling ourselves the Truth.
When we look at the number of RCCG Members all over the world, we owe God a lot!
If we have not been Playing our Roles to Change our world; I Pray that on the Last Day we shall not be judged by it, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Because the Bible tells us in Like 12:48, to whom much is given, much is expected.
God has given us much number. And we need to use our number to Change the Nations – Most especially the men, God is relying on you for so many things.
So we are appealing to all our husbands to Please, take the Men’s Fellowship very important. And give Priority to the Men’s Fellowship in all our Churches.
The Training of our children is very, very important.
The Bible says God gave a Good Testimony concerning Papa Abraham.
Genesis 18:19, For I know him, that he will Command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do Justice and Judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
We know that children of this Age are not easy to train, but with the help of God, our children will not become Vagabonds, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
It’s not a Good thing to hear that the children of Pastors are smoking Indian hemp, are into drugs – It is very, very disgraceful.
And this is where we should join hand in Training all our children in the Right way.
We know we are very busy; but “Charity begins at home!” If you don’t have time for your children, you don’t have time for the home, and you are Preaching for others and their homes are doing well – What is your gain then?
1. We are appealing to you to Please, spend more time with these children.
2. We should behave well so that they can see our Examples and emulate whatever we are doing.
It is very important at this crucial time.
… Also, when we are Training them (as we have said):
3. Let us teach them how to be Contented with whatever we have – Very important!
Whatever you have is what your children should know – “This is what my father has” , Period!
Even if you have more to give, let them know how to abase and how to abound.
There may be meat and all kinds of things, but you may decide to cook Ordinary Plantain and put Vegetables in it.
Do it in their Presence and let them know that Life is not a Bed of Roses.
But the money our children are now spending in Restaurants and Eateries, I use to look at them like this – Your mother back home in the Village, you don’t give her ten thousand Naira N10,000) per Month. And you are spending ten thousand Naira N10,000 in a Restaurant at once!
… If I see anybody around me like that, they will be in trouble.
The Bible says, And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free – John 8:32
The ten thousand Naira N10,000) you spend in the Restaurant on Sunday afternoon is half the Salary you pay your Driver Per Month.
Thank God I wasn’t brought up in a home that we buy cooked food outside – Ordinary Beans Cake (Akara Balls) we didn’t buy in our house, where I was brought up.
Even raising my children, I am sure they have never seen me going out to buy cooked food outside.
… Let us train these children well – It is very essential.
We should not allow our children to go and marry from another Church.
If they go and marry from another Church, let it be a Pentecostal Church; and you should know the Parents; that they are serving Christ.
Because if you allow them to go and marry somebody’s son or daughter, who is not in Christ. It’s a matter of time, be getting ready for crisis.
I know what I’m talking about.
We should Please, make it a Point of duty, in our interactions with our children – “You cannot afford to marry from an ‘Heathen Family” or somebody who is not Worshiping God in Truth and in Spirit.” Because at the end of the day, Problem will come.
I Pray that our children will give us Peace, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Now, talking about Marriage: we know nowadays that our children are waiting on the Lord longer than necessary – Most especially the Ladies before they get married. This is because some of the men are not ready.
And that is why all of us together, we should join hands in educating our children. And those ones who are not educated should be encouraged to go and learn something that will be Lucruative for them in future.
The reason for “Delayed Marriages” is because the Ladies don’t find the Right Person. The Boys too don’t find the Right Girl to marry.
If you train your own daughter and I train my own son, making sure they have means of Livelihood; how will he not get a Good girl? How will she not get a Good husband?
Nobody wants to marry a Nonentity; Nobody wants to marry a Liability – Someone who will be a Problem in Future.
So, we are appealing to you Pastors again: let us stand with our children to make sure they have Good Education, Good Businesses and whatever will carry them in the Future.
Sometimes ago, the General Overseer talked about Marriage – That any Boy who has no job, the Girls should not marry them. And any Girl who has no job, the Boys too should not marry them.
The Bible tells us that where there is no Counsel the People will Perish. Counselling is very important!
Some of our children like to skip it.
They say, what of accelerated one? We want to get married in the next two (2) Months.
Who told you?
We Pastors must put our legs down now more than ever before.
Thorough Marriage Counselling must be done before these children get Married.
Because Marriages are beginning to have K-leg – Some of them even after one (1) Month of getting Married.
God will not allow our Marriages to have any Problem, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
There was this Protocol they gave me in America. And I looked at her face, “what’s happening to you? If you are not going to smile, don’t follow me ooo.”
Then I asked the Head of Protocol, “what’s happening to her?” And he said, Mummy I will tell you the Story.
Finally I got to know that a Boy Promised her Marriage – They have gone out to get the Ring and the Wedding Dress. They also agreed on the kind of Ring and Dress the Husband-To-Be can afford.
The two of them met in an Accounting Firm – They are both Accountants.
But when the Man was not there, this Girl went for the ones with Exhubitant Price.
And on one of the Digging Deep Nights, the Boy came to the Church. After Service he called the Girl as usual and said, let me look at your hand, he just looked at the Engagement Ring on her finger, he removed it.
She said, Joe what are you doing? He said, that’s the end!
What’s happening? He said, I gave you this Ring, but I am no longer interested.
So I called the Boy; he said he cannot start the Marriage with debts. If they went together to Price the Ring and the Wedding Gown. And she went behind him to buy the one they did not agree on. If they have debts before Marriage, how are they going to survive after the Wedding?
I begged the Boy; but he said Mummy, I have made up my Mind: “I can’t start this Marriage on debts.”
Let us advise our children – Marriage is just one day Business. Whatever they can afford is what they should put their hands in.
I have seen a Pastor and the wife; they got married in the General Overseer’s Office. With only eight (8) People in Attendance at Ebute Meta – The Parents of the Bride, Parents or the Groom, their Bestman and Maid of Honour, and the Couple getting Married. Eight (8) of them!
And when they were going, they gave the Office Staff Mr Biggs.
Pastor (Mrs) Nike Ilori, you were there then – You know the People. Eight (8) Packs of Mr Biggs. And they brought two (2) for the Office Staff.
They took their Pictures in front of the Church, and off they went!
“Se bi o ti mo” (DMC NOTES: Meaning: Do according to your Ability can carry you)!
But today; we are coming to very important Points now – Our children go for things they cannot afford.
… If you see the mess they do around there!
I have been to an Engagement Ceremony of another Church (that is not RCCG): only one (1) hour. The Pastor sat down like this, and he said, we all know why we are here, let us Pray!
They sang a Song, and they brought in the Man and the wife; they put the two of them together.
Brought the Engagement items, the Parents Prayed for them.
That was the end of the Engagement.
Listen, I have already told the General Overseer; If you spend more than one (1) hour in Engagement, the Pastor of that Couple would go in for Suspension.
So, warn all the People Preparing for Engagement or Traditional Marriage; that is Number 1.
After the Church Service, if you see what our children do at Reception;
Any Wedding Reception that is more than two (2) hours now, the Pastor would pay for it. And the Couple would be Suspended.
Now, coming to the Wedding Dressing Proper; we say we are not of the world.
And 1 John 4:4 says, “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
And yet our children do things that are of the world – They would have their hair Coloured blue, red, white.
Why are we doing all these?
In the Corporate Bodies; you don’t go to work in the Bank with your hair like that of the Gorilla.
But now in the Church Services, our Sisters wear all kinds of “Gorilla Attachment”, flowing to the back. It is not of God.
Pastor’s Wives, you are the one who will be Suspended for that! Because we all agreed in our Meeting that we are not going to allow such Prevail in RCCG.
Peradventure the older ones see any of the girls in our Churches, wearing Gorilla kind of Attachment on their hair during wedding; they will find out who the Pastor is and he will be suspended.
You know I am not talking on my own; I have the Support of the General Overseer.
Finally, let us begin to Watch Out!
There are some things that should not be Posted on the YouTube – Social Media in General.
Things that are In-house should not appear Online.
Any little thing now, Social Media!
Maybe the Senior Pastors should help us look into this and decide what are the things of RCCG that should go Online. And when you decide, Please let us know!
I don’t know whether you have seen anything of Apostolic Faith Online before.
Have you?
It’s only RCCG! And it is because we are too learned. And we are using it to injure the Church and to drag the name of God in the mud.
Please Brethren, as you are asking God that you want to be on the Mountain Top, Nothing will drag RCCG on the floor, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
In this Convention of Beyond Expectations, God will Place in our hands a New Vision, that will Promote the Kingdom of God, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
And all our children, they will make us Proud – Amen.
And it shall be well with us – Amen!
Let us rise up and Pray for Families in RCCG.
Let’s join our hands together and Pray for our children;
That every weak mother, weak father, that God will make them Strong; and that the Holy Spirit will Support us, even as we train all our children.
And they will not abuse the Grace of God in the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Shall we begin to Pray!
King of kings, the Lord of Hosts, we Honour You because You are God.
We Thank You for what You have started doing in our midst. We Thank You for what You are yet to do.
We know we are going to Higher Heights in You.
And we know that the Name of the Lord is not going to be dragged in the mud in RCCG.
We are saying Thank You for this forum; You will help us to Love each other as husband and wife;
You will help us to train our Children in the way they should go;
Godliness and Contentment will be our Portion in all our homes;
And all the areas where we are lagging behind – Morally, Spiritual; we Thank You Lord because You will correct it.
After this Convention, we shall sing a New Song!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.