Preparing for the Best by Joyce Meyer – Devotional AUGUST 12, 2018

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Preparing for the Best by Joyce Meyer

TOPIC- Preparing for the Best (Joyce Meyer Ministries, Daily Devotion, Scripture, Bible, Inspiration)

How we approach each new day and each new situation makes a huge difference. If we decide ahead of time that we won’t be happy or peaceful unless we get exactly what we want, then we will rarely be at peace.

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I have heard people say things like, “If it rains tomorrow I am not going to be happy,” or “If I don’t get the job, I am going to be so upset.” When we think thoughts such as this, we are setting ourselves up to be unhappy and to lose our peace and joy before we even have a problem. Preparing for the Best by Joyce Meyer

Instead of preparing to be upset, we can prepare to be at peace. We can think and speak things like, “I really hope the weather is nice tomorrow, and I hope I get this new job. But my joy comes from my relationship with Jesus, so I choose to be happy and have rest in my soul no matter what I come up against tomorrow. Whether it’s rainy or sunny, whether I get the job or not, I choose the joy of the Lord!” Preparing for the Best by Joyce Meyer

The way we approach our lives makes all the difference in the quality of life we can have. When we can’t fix life, let’s remember that we can fix our approach toward it.

Prayer Starter: Preparing for the Best by Joyce Meyer

Father, help me to approach life today with a godly attitude—positive and full of faith. Help me to make a habit of preparing for the best in every situation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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