Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018

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Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018

On-going Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for the influx of record-breaking multitudes into yesterday’s Showers of Blessings/Prophetic Entrance Service(s) and for returning all worshippers blessed indeed – Psa. 145:3


Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018
Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for the supernatural impact of Your word at all the past nineteen editions of Shiloh with attendant strange signs, wonders and miracles in the lives of all participants – Psa. 92:1

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, grant all our new converts and new members of the year all-round settlement thereby establishing them in this church for life – 1Pet. 5:10

4. Father, in the name of Jesus and by Your blessings upon all the youths, let each one’s desires and expectations for the year 2018 be speedily delivered this week – Pro. 23:18

5. Father, in the name of Jesus and by landmark encounters in Your word, let the theme of this year’s Shiloh – “Dominion” answer in the lives of all participants – Gen. 2:19

Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018
Prayers Points for Shiloh 2018

We will also try to create a live broadcast channel when it starts to enable our readers watch Shiloh 2018/2019 Live.



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Many people are mistaking Shiloh 2018 for a new dawn. This is to bring to your notice that A New Dawn was Shiloh 2017 theme and not 2018. Shiloh 2018 Live Streaming

You can decide to read the 2017 theme and programme of events here.

Winners Chapel, born 36 years ago, has grown into a megachurch.
It has over 5,000 branches in Nigeria, over 1,000 worldwide and at least 1,500 Pastors.
On May 2, 1981, at the end of a visionary encounter that lasted about eighteen hours, I saw a roll of afflicted, battered, beaten, tattered, deformed and all that one could ever imagine, groaning and agonizing, as a result of pains and pangs, crying as it were for rescue. I was so moved with compassion that I began sobbing profusely asking,“Why Lord ?” I heard the Lord say to me, “But from the beginning it was not so”.
I questioned further, “But why Lord ?” and then came the mandate,
“The Hour Has Come To Liberate The World From All Oppressions Of The Devil Through The Preaching Of The Word Of Faith, And I Am Sending You To Undertake This Task.”
This mandate was further confirmed from the epistle of Paul to the Ephesians where God Said,“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Eph 6:16Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)).
This was the genesis of this global ministry today and according to this mandate, the Word of Faith is the key to triumphant living. Shortly, thereafter, a weekly teaching programme took-off popularly known as the Faith Liberation Hour. Alongside, a caucus was put in place, tagged The Power House which was involved in prayers and fasting among others towards the actualization of this heavenly vision.

Shiloh Live Streaming Canaan Land Ota Shiloh Youth Alive Forum (8/12/2017) – Day 4 – Live Stream

Shiloh Youth Alive Forum Shiloh Live Streaming Canaan Land Ota
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domi radio live streaming – living faith church online service
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living faith church Shiloh 2018 Live Streaming

Shiloh Youth Alive Forum Shiloh Live Streaming Canaan Land Ota
Shiloh 2018 Live Streaming

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