Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche Dunamis Church DIGC

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Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche

Powerful Prayer and Prophetic Declaration  for every Believer  by Pastor Paul Enenche Dunamis Church Internation

  1. Every satanic arrow or demonic missile looking for you, today, they shall misfire!
  2. I prophesy the climate of revival, the move of the Spirit of God upon your life & family!
  3. I prophesy the release of light. Every dark corner of your life is hereby overwhelmed with light!
  4. I release the power of the Blood of Jesus against every blood sacrifice speaking against your life, family & destiny. By the power of the Blood, this blood sacrifice is hereby deleted, canceled & annulled! Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche
  5. Before the next 7 days, you shall return with a testimony. All that see you shall acknowledge that you are the seed the Lord has blessed!
  6. I prophesy the release of the blessing against every curse, bad will & negative declaration against you, your family, children & loved ones. Today, they are canceled, neutralized & arrested!
    Whatever cannot withstand the glory of God is uprooted from your life!
  7. Every trace of shame, reproach, or disgrace that the enemy is threatening you within your personal life & family is swallowed up now!
    I decree that the powers of darkness hovering over this nation at all levels will be swallowed up by the light of the gospel in the name of Jesus!
  8. I declare in Nigeria, light be! Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche


WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO GLORY? By Pastor Paul Eneche Dunamis Church

Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche
1. Uprightness or Christlikeness (Col. 1:27)

2. Revelational light (Isa. 60:1)

3. Desperation for glory

4. The lifestyle of authentic worship (2 Chron. 5:13-14)

5. Death to self

Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche

WHAT DOES THE GLORY CARRY? By Pastor Paul Enenche 



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1. The glory is a sponsor of miracles.
2. The glory is the termination of shame (Prov. 3:35).
3. The glory is a shield of defence (Isa.4:5).

4. The glory is key to shining (Isa. 60:1).

5. The glory is the secret to supernatural supply (Phil. 4:19)
TEXT: (JOHN 2:11) –  Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche


1. I prophesy, the same glory that came upon people today and the cripple walked, and the mad for 25 years was healed, I release that glory upon Nigeria now!

2. I decree that this glory will swallow every shame in our Nation in Jesus’ name!

3. I decree that this glory will swallow every reproach & incapacity in our Nation in the name of Jesus! Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche

4. I prophesy the blessing upon this nation Nigeria, to swallow up every curse, spell, enchantment, divination from any realm that is trying to manipulate Nigerians, oh you curse from hell, you are swallowed up by the blessing now!

5. I release the Blood of Jesus against any blood sacrifice in this nation, I decree that the Blood of Jesus will neutralize the power of every negative bloodshed against our nation in the name of Jesus!

Daily Prayer Points PRAYER POINT By Pastor Paul Enenche DIGC

  • Whatever belongs to you that is being owed by any system organization, or institution, right now, they are losing their rest until whatever belongs to you is released! Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche
  • Whatever that belongs to you that is been held somewhere, I decree immediate release in Jesus’ Name.
  • Every satanic arrow or demonic missile looking for you, today, they shall misfire!
  • Every devil fighting your evidence, in this season they shall bow!
  • Every agenda of hell concerning your life, family and destiny, today, it is arrested!
  • Whatever is dead or dried around you, today, it is coming alive!
  • Every satanic mystery around your life and family is unravelled in Jesus’ name!
  • Where blood is shared, yours shall NEVER be shared.
  • You are too needed to be wasted!
  • Where blood is shed, yours will never be shed!
  • The devil that failed to abort you in your mother’s womb will fail permanently in Jesus’ Name. Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche
  • Today, I prophesy to you, every trace of dryness and scarcity in your life disappears forever; your praise will…
  • Every satanic deposit in your body, whatever my Heavenly Father has not planted is returning back to sender right now!
  • You are not rich because of the number of cars you drive, or houses you own,
    or money in your bank accounts, or the number of people calling you ‘Sir’,
    you are rich because of the number of people you have reached!
  • If God cannot be imagined to have pains, sicknesses, diseases, then, you cannot harbour sickness in your bodyNever leave your life to chance because a life left to chance has no chance. Click to read today’s
  • There is a connection between your misery and your ministry, between what you passed through in life and what Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche
  • “Whatever we give to God is not lost and whatever we keep from God, including our lives is not safe!”
    Refuse to be slothful like the sloth. Engage your life in profitable activity in line with the purpose of God…
  • #DunamisLive
    #HealingService #DeliveranceService
    #DIGC Prayer Points by Pastor Paul Enenche

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  1. good to be here

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