Prayer Points from RCCG February 2019 Holy Ghost Service Swimming In Glory 2

1. Praise Him, Praise God.
2. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will reverse my irreversible.
3. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will fulfil all my dreams.
4. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will end stagnation in my life.
5. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will help me fulfil my potentials.
6. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will accelerate my promotion.
7. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will take me to greater Heights.
8. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and God will move me from Glory to Glory.
9. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and begin to shine for the Lord.
10. In the name of Jesus, I will arise today and begin to swim in God’s glory.