Our Daily Bread Devotional — God’s Own, 21 March 2025.

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God’s Own

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 43:1-7

Today’s Insights

More than one hundred years before it occurred, Isaiah prophesied Jerusalem’s destruction in 586 bc and Judah’s seventy-year exile in Babylon (Isaiah 39:6-7; see 2 Chronicles 36:15-21; 2 Kings 20:16-18; Jeremiah 52:4-27). But God wouldn’t abandon His people, even though He’d punish them for their covenantal unfaithfulness. In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet speaks of the deliverance from that exile and Judah’s restoration. Chapters 40-48 focus on the return from the Babylonian captivity and the means by which God would accomplish it. God assured His people of His unfailing love because they’re His chosen people. He’s their God and Savior who has chosen, redeemed, and honored them. They need not fear the Babylonians, the exile, or their future. “You are precious and honored in my sight,” He assured them. “Do not be afraid, for I am with you” (Isaiah 43:4-5).

Today’s Devotional

One day, while serving as my mom’s live-in caregiver, we visited an art exhibit. We were emotionally and physically drained. I gazed at two wooden row boats filled with colorful blown-glass shapes inspired by Japanese fishing lures and flower arrangements. The display Ikebana and Float Boats sat in front of a black wall on a reflective surface. Speckled, spotted, and striped glass orbs, like oversized gumballs, were piled into the smaller boat. From the hull of the second boat, long, twisted, and curved glass sculptures rose like vibrant flames. The artist had shaped each piece of molten glass through the refining fires of the glassblowing process.

Tears streaked my cheeks as I imagined God’s caring hand holding me and my mom—His beloved children—through our hardest days. As God shapes the character of His people through refining fires in life, He affirms that our hope comes from being known and knowing we belong to Him (Isaiah 43:1). Though we can’t escape hardship, God promises to protect us and be present (v. 2). His identity and His love for us make His promises secure (vv. 3-4).

When life’s circumstances heat up, we may feel fragile. We may even be fragile. But God holds us firmly in love, no matter how blazing hot the furnace gets. We are known. We are loved. We are His!



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Why does knowing you belong to God bring you hope during times of affliction? How has God used refining fires to shape your character?



Loving God, thank You for holding me, molding me, and reminding me that I’m Yours.

About Devotional 2023

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