Open Heaven 25 September 2023

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Open Heaven 25 September 2023 Topic: Claim His Peace

Memory Verse: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

Bible Reading: Isaiah 66:12-14 (WEB)

12 For Yahweh says, “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream;
and you will nurse.
You will be carried on her side,
and will be dandled on her knees.
13 As one whom his mother comforts,
so I will comfort you.
You will be comforted in Jerusalem.”

14 You will see it, and your heart shall rejoice,
and your bones will flourish like the tender grass.
Yahweh’s hand will be known among his servants;
and he will have indignation against his enemies.

Also see; open-heaven-24-september-2023

Today’s Open Heaven 25 September 2023

Since your Daddy is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), you must start behaving like a child of the Prince of Peace. In our Bible reading today,

He promised you peace like a river. If you have been finding it difficult to sleep, remember Psalm 127:2, where He said He gives His beloved sleep.

When I became General Overseer, we had 39 parishes, but there were so many problems. I was always so worried about the work of God and though I was just 40 years old,

my hair had started to turn grey. I asked God, “Lord, why?” and He said, “You are carrying a burden that is not yours. You cannot share My glory.

If you cannot share My glory, you cannot share My burden; let me carry My burden”. Right there and then, I stopped worrying, and my hair gradually turned black again.

If the devil has seized your peace, you need to claim it back. James 4:7 says you should resist the devil and he will flee from you. At times you need to fight to get that peace.

Initially, when you start resisting the devil, he will act as if he wants to fight, but when he realises that you are not going to back down, he will flee.



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When I was very young, I was very small in stature and there was a bully in my primary school. He knew I couldn’t defeat him in a fight, so he always tormented me.

He tortured me at every opportunity. One day, something moved inside of me. I just decided, “I’m going to fight this boy.

I know I can’t beat him because he is too big, but we will fight until he kills me, and then the government will kill him, so that it will be a draw”.

The next time he came to torment me, I said, “Don’t touch me”. Shocked, he said, “You spoke?” and hit me. I hit him too and He knocked me down. I got up and hit him again.

He knocked me down several times but I kept getting up. After a while, he must have thought, “This boy wants to die”, so he ran away and I chased after him.

The bully was now running from me because I refused to back down. From that day on, I had peace. Your Saviour is the Prince of Peace and He has already given you His peace (John 14:27).

Claim it today and it shall be yours in Jesus’ name.

Also see; open-heaven-22-september-2023

Today’s Open Heaven 25 September 2023

Points: Sometimes you have to fight for your peace. Resist the devil in prayers and he will leave you alone.

Hymn: When Peace Like A River Attendeth My Way

Bible in one year: Habakkuk 1, Habakkuk 2, Habakkuk 3

About Devotional 2023

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One comment

  1. Good morning Jesus. I am a Catholic but since I knew of Open Heavens and the Spiritual cum Wisdom prowess of Baba Adeboye, I have never missed a copy and it is a must-read for me every morning before I go into other spiritual readings. Often times and somehow, the msg in the Open Heavens will be same with the ones in the Catholic Missal.
    I have been suffering from insomnia and lethargy as a result of diabetes. This morning, it was with reluctance that I dragged myself to commence the prayers. AND LO AND BEHOLD, THE OPENING SENTENCE WAS “IF YOU HAVE BEEN FINDING IT DIFFICULT TO SLEEP, REMEMBER PSALM 127:2- GOD WILL GIVE HIS BELOVED SLEEP.
    I was not shocked, rather I was extremely glad that God spoke to me and my infirmities and I believe that I am healed. Thank you Baba Adeboye. Thank You Lord for giving Baba as a gift to humanity. May Your Holy Name be Praised. God has spoken to me and my infirmities and I am whole in Jesus Name.

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