October 14th 2018 Sunday Service Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Live streaming

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October 14th 2018 Sunday Service Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Live streaming

“Once you receive this grace, favor and anointing in your life today you’ll go back home a champion.

But for you to obtain this you need to remember what God has said over your life, what you remember is what works for you.

People tend to remember curses than blessings. Many recall incidents where there grandmother, Neighbor, parents cursed them but they fail to remember the many times a random person blessed them or the time they’re Pastor/ Prophet told them ‘your blessed’.

Remember blessings not a curse bare confidence in the Lords blessings.

-Major 1

October 14th 2018 Sunday Service Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Live streaming

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church

Sunday Service LIVE: Find Chen and Khased

Wherever you go, may you find Khased and Chen wherever you go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ”
We can be shaken But not destroyed!

Scriptural Ref: 2 Corinthians 4:8‭-‬9 NIV
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

The enemy can do whatever but when you have this favor ,whatever the enemy does it can not conquer you.fear nothing in this month.
-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: You are the main actor

“Every demon bringing ashes instead of favour is being taken a way in this month. And you will be the main star/actor in this movie and the producer producer of this movie is God himself.

And you are not dying in this movie.

-Major 1

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 247devotionals.com
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 247devotionals.com

Sunday Service LIVE: Exercise your rights

“You must understand your rights in Jesus, there are things you don’t have to pray for but just exercising your rights.

Your right to the grace, the right to health and the right to the abundance”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: God is going to shock you

“Some people are so doubtful; but in that doubtfulness, God is going to shock you with miracle jobs and miracle money!”

“Christianity is more that just going to church, it is a service”

Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE; In that doubt!

“Blessed is the one who sees and still believe but the same doubting man Peter was the one God chose to prove that in the midst of his doubt God can still do something.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Special Favor!

“David said goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life which those two key words ‘Goodness and Mercy’ in Hebrew are Chen and Khesed . !”

-Major 1 explains

Sunday Service LIVE: It is a competition!

“Christianity is a competition.we are all fighting for one position so the highest bidder will get the post.The with the highest bid is the one with Chen favor and Khesed favor.!”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: You need favor!

“You need favor and you will be respected.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Obtain Favour

“Do I have women in the house, I want to talk to you now. It don’t matter how beautiful or expensive the make up, perfume your friend do apply, you are going to be lived over her after you obtain favour today.

But it is useless to be favoured by everyone and not God”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE Bushiri 247devotionals.com
Sunday Service LIVE Bushiri 247devotionals.com

Sunday Service LIVE: Why Esther?

The Bible explains how Esther was a Jew and an orphan.She stayed with her uncle Mordecai because she had no parents.

In the King’s kingdom there was a wicked man called Haman.Everyday a Jew was hung and killed.

Why do we say Esther had found favor? Because she was from in a foreign land.She was old and the king had called for virgins.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Receive favour

“There is a favour I want you to receive and this is the favour God want you to have today”


Sunday Service LIVE: You are chosen over every one

“When you operate with Chen and Khased, you will be picked, chose and favoured over everyone even over your competition”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: A double Khased and Chen impact

“Esther received things she didn’t deserve by the kings uncommon kindness”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Know this!



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“What matters is if you have this types of Favor from people and God knows it is done.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Favor

“We might have people who have been praying for something but no answer to prayer.After you receive Chen favor today things will begin to happen on your favor.!”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Until you receive it

“You have been praying for so long, and you haven’t received yet. But wait until you receive Khased and Chen favour”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Receive Chen Favour

“Chen is receiving what you don’t deserve”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE; The Esther Change!

Esther 2:17

The king loved Esther more than any of the other young women, and she became his favorite. He approved of her more than any of the others. So King Xerxes put a crown on Esther’s head and made her the new queen in place of Vashti.

Two things happen to Esther and they changed everything about her.l which are Chen and khased.

Kindness which is not common.there is a level.where as a Christian you graduate and reach.

Chen is a favor that you don’t deserve.
You don’t work for it.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: A certain level of spirituality

“After this service you will understand you needed this teaching. Sometimes you will realise you needed a certain level of spirituality”.

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Only to those who believe!

In this month I am very sure that it is a month of shining but only to those who believe!”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: A star on your forehead

“This is a month which God is going to put a star on your forehead”

-Major 1
Sunday Service LIVE:You will shine!

“A star shines where there is darkness. So in this month the same people going through dark moments will shine!”

-Major 1

Major 1 247devotionals.com
Major 1 247devotionals.com

Sunday Service LIVE: Month of Esther!

“The word Esther means -“a star” Which means that this month is a month of you shining like a star.

It is a month of shining like a star.They will look at you and wonder!”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: Month of Esther!

“Move around and tell your neighbor that in this month they will experience favor .!”

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE : A father pays homage to a son

Today our father began by comforting sons and daughters over the loss of gems in our midst, namely James, Beston and Brain who have since completed their walk on earth. The Prophet of God called on the Media crew to show the prophetic utterance earlier in the year as well as the teaching where he explicitly spoke of the end of life as we know on earth. The prophet encouraged us to rejoice that we had the amazing ministry of our brother James and Major 1 mentioned how we can forever enjoy the beautiful music that has made James legend in our family. We observed a moment of joy in remembrance of the wonderful mission that our brothers have completed.

Do not mourn but rejoice for these heroes have returned to heaven and will be received there as men who worked well on earth.

“When your body fails you, may your spirit must live on” Major 1

James , Beston and Brain will be forever celebrated both here and in heaven as saints whose walk was glorious!

Sunday Service LIVE: He loves you!

“God’s love is beyond our imagination.”!

-Major 1

Sunday Service LIVE: God is good all the time!

“We are glad we are in the house of God. God is so good and the badness of the devil will never win over us

God allowed you to be here today.!”


Sunday Service LIVE: Opening Remarks!

Thank You Jesus
We bow and before You
In Glory and praise
Thanking You for who you are.
We Thank you because You are with us,
Hope of Glory,
We thank you because today is a set day
A set day for someone to receive
We ask Your presence through Your son Jesus Christ.

Major 1 Sunday Service LIVE: Gear up , the fire is coming!

ECG Church Deliverance 247devotionals.com
ECG Church Deliverance 247devotionals.com

All women on fire, get your gear for the Women on Fire. T-shirts are available and it is going to be an amazing gathering of the daughters of fire! Come with a friend, encourage a woman to attend. Our mother will be here and we shall be in the spirit.

Contact the information desk and allow your life to be set alight so that you can set the world on fire!

Sunday Service LIVE: Women on Fire!

All roads will lead to ECG on Saturday because women from all over the world will meet the grace that is in this house. Women will gather in their large numbers as our mother in the Lord hosts the annual conference. Women will enjoy the power and the praise – God will be blessing the queens of ECG in this month of Esther!

Join us in this same venue and allow God to set your hearts on Fire!

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  1. I’m in pain,I need prayers, I’m lying in bed,in pain .not because I like it,but I want to care of my three kids, please pray for me to get out of this bed,my kids are still young prophet

    • The Lord will visit you tonight in Jesus Name. Every Operation of the Devil is rebuked in Jesus Name. I command peace be still in your life, family, ministry, I declare your victory by the power in the name of Jesus. The Lord bless you now and always

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