May 4, 2019 Our Daily Bread – More Than Just Waiting

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Topic:More Than Just Waiting
Bible in a Year:
1 Kings 16–18; Luke 22:47–71

[Jesus] gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.”
Acts 1:4

Our daily bread devotion
Our Daily Bread

Police charged a woman with reckless driving after she drove off the street and onto the sidewalk and back because she didn’t want to wait for a school bus dropping off students!

While it’s true that waiting can make us impatient, there are also good things to do and learn in the waiting. Jesus knew this when He told His disciples to “not leave Jerusalem” (Acts 1:4). They were waiting to “be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (v. 5).

As they gathered in an upper room, likely in a state of excitement and anticipation, the disciples seemed to understand that when Jesus told them to wait, He didn’t say for them to do nothing. They spent time praying (v. 14); and informed by Scripture, they also chose a new disciple to replace Judas (v. 26). When they were joined together in worship and prayer, the Holy Spirit descended upon them (2:1–4).



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The disciples hadn’t simply been waiting—they’d also been preparing. As we wait on God, it doesn’t mean doing nothing or impatiently rushing forward. Instead we can pray, worship, and enjoy fellowship as we anticipate what He’ll do. The waiting prepares our hearts, minds, and bodies for what’s to come.

Yes, when God asks us to wait, we can be excited—knowing that we can trust Him and the plans He has for us!

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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