May 18, 2019 Our Daily Bread- The Gift of Peace

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Topic:The Gift of Peace
Bible in a Year:
1 Chronicles 4–6 John 6:1–21

You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation.
Luke 2:25–35

Our daily bread devotion
Our Daily Bread

“I believe in Jesus and He is my Savior, and I have no fear of death,” said Barbara Bush, the wife of former US President George H. W. Bush, to her son before she died. This incredible and confident statement suggests a strong and deep-rooted faith. She experienced God’s gift of peace that comes from knowing Jesus, even when faced with death.

Simeon, a resident of Jerusalem during the first century, also experienced profound peace because of Jesus. Moved by the Holy Spirit, Simeon went to the temple when Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to be circumcised as required by the law for a newborn boy. Although not much is known about Simeon, from Luke’s description one can tell he was a special man of God, just and devout, waiting faithfully for the coming Messiah, and “the Holy Spirit was on him” (Luke 2:25). Yet Simeon did not experience shalom (peace), a deep sense of completeness, until he saw Jesus.



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While holding Jesus in his arms, Simeon broke into a song of praise, expressing full satisfaction in God: “You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations” (vv. 29–31). He had peace because he foresaw the future hope of the whole world.

As we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the promised Savior, may we rejoice in God’s gift of peace.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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One comment

  1. Apostle Emmanuel NKHOMA

    Amen lam blessed indeed.
    one thing i strongly trust is to FEAR NOT in every thing i do as i serve my living God.

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