Kenneth Copeland Devotional — March 5 2024

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Be Consistent

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8

Years ago, God spoke a phrase to Gloria’s heart that I’ve never forgotten. She’d been asking Him to teach her to walk in the spirit, to operate more fully in the supernatural power of God.

In consistency lies the power, He said.

That revelation was tough for me. In the natural I’m anything but consistent. My human nature tends to be up one day and down the next. But, praise God, I don’t have to depend on my human nature to get me by. I have Jesus Christ living within me and He’s the same yesterday, today and forever!

Jesus isn’t fickle. He doesn’t change His mind from one day to another. He’s constant, and if you’ll press in to Him, He can cause you to be that way too.



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Most believers don’t do that. That’s why there are so many “faith failures” around. They stand on the Word one day and fall off of it the next.

What we need to do is “continue.” Jesus said if we’d continue in His Word, then we’d be His disciples. He said if we’d continue, we would know the truth and that truth would make us free (John 8:31-32). There’s a revelation of God that comes from consistency that the inconsistent person will never see.

Determine today to be consistent. Don’t try to base today on yesterday’s Bible study. Base today on today’s Bible study. Start with the Word today, stay on the Word all day, and end the day with the Word. Then tomorrow get up and do it all again!

There’s power in constant consistency. So don’t be an “off again, on again” Christian. Continue in the Word every day.

Scripture Reading:
Colossians 1:14-23

About Devotional 2023

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