Kenneth Copeland Devotional — March 4 2024

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Let the Revelations Begin

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:3-4

People go to great lengths trying to wring knowledge from God when all they need to do is go to the Bible. God’s not holding Himself back from anyone. It’s His will for every man and woman to walk in revelation of Him.

“Well now, Brother Copeland,” you might say, “God’s not going to give all these sinners out here a revelation.” Really? Why do you think He sends evangelists to preach to them? Why do you think He sent His Word? To reveal the truth!

So, if you want to know that truth, just open the Book and read it. All of it…not just the parts that are in red. Those aren’t the only parts Jesus said. He said everything in Genesis. He said everything in Exodus. He said everything in Numbers. He said everything in Deuteronomy. He said everything in Leviticus. He said everything in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. He said everything in Romans. He said everything in the Book. He is the Word!



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In fact, if you’ll read Galatians 3, you’ll discover that every promise made to Abraham was for Jesus! It was the promises that brought Him. It was the promises that enabled Him to heal and deliver people. He didn’t minister by some special power no one else could have. He based His ministry on the revelations He’d received through faith in the written Word of God.

When the devil came to tempt Him, He didn’t fight him off with a special legion of angels who’d been assigned to protect Him because He was God’s Son. He fought him off with the phrase, “It is written.”

God has equipped you to do the same. He’s given you His written Word, and He’s given you His Holy Spirit to help you understand it. He’s more than ready to give you the knowledge you need. You don’t have to wring it out of Him—just open the Book and let the revelations begin.

Scripture Reading:
John 16:7-15

About Devotional 2023

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