Kenneth Copeland Devotional — March 2 2024

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Defeat Your Giant

Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?

1 Samuel 17:26

You may be facing a giant today. He may be a giant of sickness or failure, of financial shortage or another kind of trouble. But don’t let him scare you. You have a secret weapon. A weapon that once turned a shepherd boy into a bear-busting, lion-killing, giant-slaying champion. That weapon was a blood covenant with Almighty God.

Back in David’s day, circumcision was the sign of that covenant. So, when he called Goliath uncircumcised, David was saying: “This guy may be a giant; he may be strong; but he has no covenant with God and that’s why I will defeat him.”

Just like David, you, too, have a covenant. But yours is better. You see, the covenant David had, offered a wealth of blessings to those who kept it, but it also included curses for those who broke it.

Yours doesn’t. Yours is a new covenant that Jesus bought with His own blood. It doesn’t depend on your ability. It depends on Him and what He has already done. He has done it all! All you have to do is believe it and receive it.



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Right now, read Deuteronomy 28:16-68. That’s a list of the curses Christ has freed you from. You might even call it a list of the giants Jesus has already slain for you. It contains every diabolical thing the devil could ever use to destroy you.

Read them and rejoice. Those are the things God has healed you of and delivered you from!

Don’t let any giant intimidate you. You have a blood covenant with Almighty God. There’s no uncircumcised circumstance on the face of this earth that can take your victory away from you.

Scripture Reading:
Galatians 3:13-29

About Devotional 2023

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