What are some steps you can take to start forming this wonderful habit? I first suggest that you make a plan. Every day, think about people you can bless and in what ways you can bless them. The more you think of others, the less time you
will have to concentrate on yourself and your own problems. I have discovered over the years that the less I think about myself, the happier I am.
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Think of the people you will be with today, and then think about what their needs may be. Perhaps they just need encouragement. Perhaps they need to talk and you could bless them by listening. Perhaps they are in need financially and you could give them a gift certificate to the grocery store or a gas
card. There are endless ways to bless people if we will just put our mind to it. If you don’t know what the person needs, then begin listening to them, and it won’t be long before you will hear them mention something they are lacking. A person might say, “I have been so discouraged lately,” and that is your opportunity to encourage them.
Or they could say in conversation, “I really need some new clothes, but I will have
to wait awhile,” you could consider buying them a new outfit.
If they are the same size as you, you could give them some of yours. At times I have kept a list of things I have heard various
people say that they want or need, and even if I can’t do it for them right away, I keep it on my list and do it when I can.
Learn to listen.
Another thing we can do is take an inventory of what we own that we don’t use at all and start giving it away. There are
always people who desperately need or want what we have and are not even using. My motto is “Use it or lose it.”
We don’t have to personally know a person to be a blessing to them. If we decide to be a blessing everywhere we go, that will have to include strangers. I have found that it
makes people feel good if I ask their name when they are helping me in a store or restaurant. People want and need to
feel that we are genuinely interested in them as an individual.
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Plan to put smiles on faces. You can even start with a goal such as “I want to put a smile on at least one face a day”—that is, by being a blessing in some way. When you
reach that goal consistently, raise it to two faces and then more and more. Soon generosity will become a lifestyle.
Be creative and pray for God to show you ways to be able to bless people. The more generous you become, the more you
will be blessed in your own life. Do it for the glory of God and in obedience to Him. We cannot outgive God. He said if we
give, it will be given back to us, pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38). You won’t end up with less if
you’re a generous giver; you will actually prosper in all you do.
Generosity is not only giving ourselves and our money and things.
It also involves how we treat people. Generous-spirited people will be patient with the weaknesses of others, quick to
forgive, and slow to get angry. They always believe the best of people. They listen when others are hurting and make an
attempt to provide comfort—or just show concern.
They are also encouraging, and they build people up and edify them.
They make a big deal out of what others do right but often don’t even mention what they do wrong. If I had to choose between the two, I would rather have someone give me those things than pay for my lunch.
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