Our natural instinct is to be afraid and try to protect and take care of ourselves, but God invites us to a life of faith. Fear is tormenting.
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Sadly, sometimes people have lived in fear for so long that they don’t realize it is abnormal. We can develop behavior systems that allow us to function in our dysfunction.
I had many fears in my life due to being raised in an abusive and dysfunctional home. I had learned to function with
them, but as I studied the Word of God, I also learned that I did not have to live with them. I learned there was a better way—
the way of faith.
However, getting from fear to faith was and
still is a journey. I was afraid of being rejected, displeasing people, and not being truly loved for myself. I feared what
people thought of me.
My reputation meant a lot to me. I
feared failure, being wrong in choices I made, and being judged or criticized for my decisions and actions. I also feared my past mistakes, the unknown future, not having enough money to take care of myself, and needing to depend on someone else.
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I can truly say that none of these fears prevail in my life now. They may rear their ugly heads from time to time, but I
am no longer controlled by them. I have developed the faith habit, and you can do it too.
Learning about and receiving the unconditional love of God is what sets us free from fear. Nothing else will! Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Only God has perfect love, and it can be ours by faith.
Take God at His word and begin to receive His love for you and allow Him to set you free from all fear.
Faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). How can we put our trust in God if we are not convinced that He loves us at all
times? Knowing and believing in God’s love is one of the key ingredients in being able to live a life of faith.
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