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You can look forward to the future expectantly if you are ready to put the principles in this book to work in your life.
Every day can be an adventure in improvement rather than another day wasted. Every good habit you form will make your life better, and it will increase your joy.
I have found in my own life that if I don’t take any action to move forward, I always slide backward. We don’t remain
stagnant for long. God is on the move and so is Satan, and we must decide which one we are going to move with. God’s plan
for your life is amazingly wonderful, but Satan comes only to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). Reading this book won’t
help you at all unless you make some decisions and follow through, so I pray you are ready to do that. If you are, then I
can promise you that you and God together are an unbeatable team.