Joel osteen ‘sermon for today :THE POWER OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE

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Another thing that helped me receive the baptismof the Holy Spirit was the power in worship and praise that I witnessed among Spirit-filled believers.

Although I felt out of place going to a Spirit-filled prayer meeting, I was desperately hungry for God’s power. I remember the most remarkable thing
happened there. The believers got down on their knees, lifted their hands to God, worshiped God, and prayed all at the same
time. Next to me, there was a woman kneeling and worshiping the Lord.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she praised Him.
There was an indefinable, indescribable beauty in her countenance that filled me with wonder.
I said to myself, “What is this? What does this woman have? What makes these tears come? What gives her the ability to enter into worship like this? What is this marvelous, wonderful ability to praise God that I don’t have?” This profound experience was a turning point in my long search.
Never underestimate the power of the believer in praise and worship. A watching world needs the power of God. That
experience in my life generated the power to go on in my quest for more of God. I never got away fromthat. That was what was missing in my life! I wanted the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life, and I did receive the baptismof the Holy Spirit! Now I daily enjoy this heavenly worship and supernatural language. It is so
wonderful just to lift my hands and adore and worship the Lord.



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Never be ashamed to lift your hands. Never be ashamed to let your praises rise to heaven. It has a powerful effect on
others as well as blessing and pleasing our Father God.I believe there is a coming day when God’s people, filled with the Holy Spirit, will fill the streets of our cities in
multitudes. They will lift their hands and praise God and boldly declare the Good News of salvation.

They will pray for the sick and cast out demons. They willshake the cities of the nations by the power of the Holy Spirit!

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