Joel and Victoria Osteen’s Devotional 7 July 2019 – Letting Go

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Topic: Letting Go [Joel and Victoria Osteen’s Devotional 7 July 2019]

“Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.” – Isaiah 12:5, NIV


I read about a famous surgeon who was in his late eighties and still loved to go to work every day. He loved medicine. His friends and family tried to get him to retire, but he just wouldn’t do it. He had invented a procedure that he had performed over ten thousand times. He was asked in an interview if he ever got tired of doing it, if it ever got old. He said, “No, because I act like every operation is my very first one.” He was saying, “I don’t let it become so common that I lose the awe.”

Joel osteen devotional
Joel Osteen Daily Devotional 2018

What has God done in your life? What can you be thankful for? Do you have your health? Do you have people to love? There are miracles all around us. Don’t lose the amazement of God’s works. Don’t spend life waiting for the next “big” thing. Instead, thank God for the things He’s done in your life. Thank Him for loving you. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith!



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Prayer For Today:

Father, thank You for the miracle of life. Thank You for the air that I breathe. Thank You for every promise found in Your Word. You are good, and You have done glorious things! Let everything I do bring glory as a testimony to how great You are in Jesus’ name. Amen.

From Joel Osteen Ministries.

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