In Touch Ministries Sermons Truth Can Set You Free AUGUST 25, 2018

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Daily Devotions – In Touch Ministries

TOPIC- Truth Can Set You Free AUGUST 25, 2018

Bible Verse – SATURDAY, 25 John 8:31-36

Freedom is something we all love, but do we really know what it is? Some people think it’s being able to choose or act with few if any restraints, limits, or accountabilities. But that is what God calls rebellion because it’s a rejection of authority, as each one does as he sees fit (1 Samuel 12:14-15). True freedom is being released from bondage to sin, and that is only possible through Jesus Christ.




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In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanleys
Daily Devotions – In Touch Ministries

The first step to freedom is recognizing areas where we are imprisoned. People who have not received Christ as Savior are in bondage to sin and unbelief. They can neither believe God nor trust the promises of Scripture because sin has blinded their eyes to the truth that they need a Savior.

Even followers of Christ can find themselves in bondage to particular sins despite repeated attempts to change. But for some of us, the struggle is with more subtle kinds of enslavement. Habitual feelings of inferiority, insecurity, rejection, or worthlessness can cloud our responses to life’s challenges by altering our ability to think or act while undermining our trust and obedience to God. In Touch Ministries

The Lord wants us walking in freedom, and Jesus describes the pathway. He says that if we’ll continue in God’s Word, we will know the truth, and it will set us free (John 8:31-32). First of all, we are liberated from sin and its condemnation through faith in Christ. Then, as we continue reading and meditating on Scripture, our mind, will, and emotions will be changed. The sins that once enticed us will become repugnant, and the emotional prisons will be opened as we discover our position in Christ.

Bible in One Year: Lamentations 1-2

In Touch Ministries Sermons Truth Can Set You Free AUGUST 25, 2018

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