From Faith to Faith—Daily Devotionals July 28, 2020 – We’re Winning – Gloria Copeland The Father’s Heart

Topic:We’re Winning
Gloria Copeland

Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not.
Numbers 14:9

Kenneth Copland devotion
Kenneth Copland

Thousands of years ago, God told the children of Israel to go up and occupy the land that He had given them. He told them to take it, by force and without fear, from the ungodly ones who were dwelling there.

He’s still saying that today. God is still trying to get us, as His people, to take the good land He’s given us. He’s still trying to get us to use the power He’s given us to run the wicked one out.

You see, this earth doesn’t belong to the devil. It belongs to God (Psalms 24:1). The devil has just moved in and taken control of things because we believers haven’t stopped him.

That is our job, you know. Jesus took Satan’s legal rights away from him on Resurrection morning. Then Jesus put us in charge of enforcing Satan’s defeat. The Scripture says that Jesus is going to sit at the right hand of the Father until His enemies are made His footstool (Hebrews 10:12-13). Do you know what that means? It means Jesus is waiting on us to kick the devil and his crew out of the affairs of this earth. He’s waiting on us to carry out the victory He won at Calvary and occupy this land.

But just like Israel had to rise up physically to take the land of Canaan, you and I have to rise up in the spirit if we’re going to establish the dominion of God in the earth. We’re going to have to get moving. We can’t do it sitting down!



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Listen, you may not know it, but we’re at war. We’re in a spiritual battle—and we’re winning. In fact, if you realized what was already established in the spirit world, you’d laugh at the devil every time he showed his face.

So today if the devil has control of an area of your life or your church or your community, rise up in the spirit through faith and prayer and the Word and start taking that territory back. Don’t be afraid. His defense is departed from him. He has no weapon that can stand against you.

The Lord is with you. Rise up in the Name of Jesus and take back the land!

Scripture Reading:
Exodus 14:10-31

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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