From Faith to Faith—Daily Devotionals January 19, 2020 – From Messes to Miracles – Gloria Copeland The Father’s Heart

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Topic:From Messes to Miracles
Kenneth Copeland

A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.
Proverbs 18:7

Kenneth Copland devotion
Kenneth Copland

We have what we say. As believers, we know that’s a vital biblical truth. We can see it in Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21, James 3:2 and many other verses. Yet we often let it slip.

We allow ourselves to begin talking like the world instead of talking the Word. And eventually we get what we’ve been asking for—a big mess.

If that’s happened to you, remember, whatever you have in your life is a product of what you’ve been saying. In order to change what you have, you must change what’s coming out of your mouth. To head your life in a different direction—from death to life, sickness to health, failure to success—you must take charge of your words.

That’s a lot easier said than done. But that’s the key: It must be said in order to be done!

How do you start?

First, realize that it can’t be done just in the natural. This is a spiritual law, so it must be handled with spiritual power.



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James 3:7-8 says the tongue can’t be tamed with the same power with which man tames animals. It takes God’s wisdom from above. God’s Word is His wisdom (Proverbs 2:6). He also said His words are spirit and life. That means it takes God’s words to tame our tongues.

Second, repent before God for ever allowing your tongue to be used by anyone except the Holy Spirit. Then give Jesus your tongue. Be determined to speak His words of love, faith, joy, peace and grace. Words of faith stop the fiery darts of hell.

The third thing to do is what Jesus said in Mark 4:24: Take heed, or listen, to what you hear. Listen to yourself! Think, Do I want what I just said to come to pass? If the answer is no, then stop and correct yourself right then. Replace those negative words with praise (Ephesians 5:4).

If you’ve gotten sloppy about what you say, change your course today by changing your words. Ask God to help you set a watch over your mouth (Psalms 141:3). Put the power that’s in your tongue to work for you instead of against you. Stop using it to make messes, and start using it to make miracles. There is a miracle in your mouth!

Scripture Reading:
James 3:1-13

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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