From Faith to Faith—Daily Devotional July 22, 2018 – Nothing to Lose – Gloria CopelandThe Father’s Heart

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Topic:Nothing to Lose
Gloria Copeland

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
Isaiah 3:10-11

Have you ever been afraid to give yourself totally to the Lord because you think you might be deprived of some pleasure in this life? Chances are, you have. That’s because Satan is working overtime to convince you that he can really make your life worth living. But don’t believe him for a minute. The real truth is, yielding completely to the Lord won’t cost you anything that’s worth having. It will only cause you to live life to its fullest!

Jesus’ life on earth was a perfect example of a totally yielded life. He was a walking example of the benefits godly living brings. Everywhere He went, Jesus made the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk. He lived in perfect peace and absolute victory.

That all sounds pretty good to me. All He missed out on was the devil getting dominion over Him to steal, kill and destroy. In fact, the devil couldn’t do anything to Him until, by the Father’s will, He laid down His life. Until that time Jesus walked in total victory over the enemy.

Do you think you would miss out on a lot if you lived that way? Of course not! You can walk in that same anointing and power and glory of God that Jesus did.



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Do you have to give up your whole life to do it? Yes! You have to trade your life for the life of God. You have to trade your sickness for His healing, your poverty for His prosperity, your anxiety for His peace, your sin for His salvation.

So why hesitate? When it gets right down to it, you really have nothing to lose.

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 37:7-23

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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