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Topic :Putting Giants into Proper Perspective
I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works (Psalm 9:1).
As young David stared across the Elah Valley into the eyes of his enemy, he recalled the times God had delivered him from the brink of disaster. God had
always given him the ability he needed to triumph.
But now he faced one of the greatest challenges of his life—a trained and well-armed warrior named Goliath.
His enemy was a literal giant of a man who
had put fear into the Israelite army’s heart for the past forty days. What could he hope to accomplish?
At some point, you will also face what seems to be a mammoth trial. That is why you must know how to respond to every threat by laying hold of the kind of victorious faith that looks beyond what you
can see to what God sees.
This was the secret of David’s success. Had he looked merely at the giant
facing him, he would have turned around and run away. But through faith, David could see what his countrymen could not.