Devotions In Touch Ministries JUNE 17, 2018 – How to Become a Successful Father

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Devotions In Touch Ministries

TOPIC- How to Become a Successful Father

( SUNDAY JUNE 17, 2018 )

Bible Verse For Today: Ephesians 6:1-4

No human father is perfect. But with the guidance of the Spirit, Scripture, and godly mentors, a man can become a successful dad by intentionally leading his children in these areas

In Touch Ministries

Devotions In Touch Ministries

Spirituality. Help your children to trust in Jesus Christ as early as possible, and they’ll grow with the understanding that He is to be at the center of everything they do.



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Morality. In homes where honesty, purity, and loyalty are lived out, boys and girls learn to value integrity and listen to their conscience. This will also help them develop a habit of seeking the Holy Spirit’s direction.

Relationships. Teaching about love, respect, and mutual encouragement is good preparation for friendships and marriage.

Vocation. Model cooperation and the way to work “heartily, as to the Lord” (Col. 3:23 NKJV), and your children will form a healthy work ethic.

Finances. Teach the right way to handle money: to earn honestly, give generously, save intelligently, and enjoy heartily. (See 1 Tim. 6:17.)

Authority. Unless children learn how to function properly under authority—of parents, school, church, and government— rebelliousness can easily develop. Our sons and daughters notice when there’s a disconnect between our conduct and words, so setting a good example is essential.

The way to build guiding principles into a child’s life is by precept (teaching) and practice (modeling). Dads, if you plant these healthy concepts in your children’s hearts, what a joy it will be to see them equipped and motivated to fulfill God’s purpose for their life.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 35-38

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