DCLM Daily Manna 5 February 2019 – Uneasy Lies The Head

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Topic: Uneasy Lies The Head
[DCLM Daily Manna 5 February 2019 Daily Devotional by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi] Text: Psalm 3:1-8 (KJV)

Key Verse: “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me” (Psalm 3:5).

Dclm devotion


King Henry the Fourth in William Shakespeare’s play of the same name was sleepless one night in the splendour of his palace. He took a walk in the vast surroundings that led him to servants’ quarters. He was shocked to find his “poorest subjects” soundly sleeping in “smoky cribs” and “loathsome beds” while he in “kingly couch” was denied even “partial repose”. He failed, like millions of others, to understand that the peace of mind that brings calm sleep is not guaranteed by material possessions.

The tragedy of man since his alienation from his Creator as a result of sin is that he believes the works of his hands are sufficient to replace the goodness of God he lost in the Garden of Eden. We have made idols of our scientific and technological inventions, hoping they would deliver us from the torment of the rat race the modern age has unleashed. Some resort to drugs, alcoholism, occultism, immorality and other Satanic ways to induce sleep, rest and peace. But they get more enmeshed in physical and spiritual restiveness.



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King David’s experience when distress came upon him as a result of Absalom’s rebellion teaches us where to go for help when troubles deny us sleep and peace. We need to run the Prince of Peace. In the book of Isaiah, there is God’s fatherly assurance to give “perfect peace” to those who trust Him.

The God who delivered David and others is still available if sinful man would heed his call. The first step is to renounce sin and loyalty to Satan, and declare faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You then establish a lasting relationship with Him that makes you enjoy all the benefits of His kingdom.

Thought For The Day: Heed His call today and enjoy peace.

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About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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  1. Lets us all have the spirit of God in us and he shall deliver us from every evil work of the enemy. 2 Timothy 4:18
    May the Lord help each and everyone of us to remain holy and loyal to serve Him.Because as for me i have decided to follow Jesus, though no one joins me still i wil follow.Have a nice day.

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