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Topics: Soul & Spirit
Who Am I?
By Billy Graham
June 27
What a glorious Lord! He who daily bears our burdens also gives us our salvation.
—Psalm 68:19 (TLB)
Edward Dahlberg, the writer, observed, “At 19, I was a stranger to myself. At 40, I asked, ‘Who am I?’ At 50, I concluded I would never know.” This unexplored personal wilderness is the home of millions of people. Ninety-two percent of all Canadian university students, according to June Callwood, the Toronto sociologist, don’t really know who they are. The Bible says that man is an immortal soul. When God made man in the first place, He created him and “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). One’s soul is the essence, the core, the eternal and real person. And he will be restless until he opens his life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Prayer for the day
Almighty God, knowing I am Your child is all the assurance I need.