Billy Devotionals – End Times, Jesus Christ – By Billy Graham May 9, 2020

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Topics: End Times, Jesus Christ
New Heaven, New Earth
By Billy Graham
May 9

The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
—Revelation 11:15
Christianity is a Gospel of crisis. It proclaims unmistakably that this world’s days are numbered. Every graveyard and every cemetery testify that the Bible is true. Our days on this planet are numbered. The Apostle James says that life is only a vapor that appears for a moment and then vanishes (James 4:14). The prophet Isaiah says that our life is like the grass that withers and the flower that fades (Isaiah 40:6,7).

There is no doubt that nations also come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them. The end will come with the return of Jesus Christ. He will set up a kingdom of righteousness and social justice where hatred, greed, jealousy, and death will no longer be known. That is why a Christian can be an optimist. That is why a Christian can smile in the midst of all that is happening. We know what will come. We know what the end will be: the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ!



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Prayer for the day
While the world around me is in such turmoil, Your peace lives in my heart, as I look for Your triumphant return!

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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