April 5, 2018 Kenneth Copeland

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April 5, 2018 Kenneth Copeland

Topic – We Need Each Other Kenneth Copeland

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. John 17:21

It’s time we, as believers, began to enter into the oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17:21. It’s time we held on to one another in good times as well as bad. It’s time we realized that we need one another.

April 5, 2018 Kenneth Copeland

April 5, 2018 Kenneth Copeland

We do, you know. I need your faith as much as you need mine. Together, we can face anything and win in Jesus.

Let me show you why. In John 3:34, God says Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure. He was more powerful than all the demons of hell and all wicked spirits of all classes, including Satan himself. He was able to defeat their power combined.

Now consider this. We are His Body. Each of us has been given the measure of faith according to Romans 12:1-3. That measure is enough to take care of our own personal needs. However, there is more involved here than just our own personal lives.



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We have a world to win! We are the end-time generation. We need all the help we can get. But, thank God, we can get all the help we need!

How? By joining together. Ephesians 4:13 says that when we all come together in the unity of the faith, we’ll have “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”

In other words, when the Body of Christ comes together and begins to function as one, we’ll have the Holy Spirit without measure—just like Jesus did! We’ll begin to see ministries functioning in the fullness of their callings. We’ll begin to see manifestations of the Holy Spirit in full measure. We’ll see Jesus in fullness as we’ve never seen Him before.

Then the world will know the Father sent Him.

Step into that oneness today. Start today making a daily effort to make yourself available to God to pray for others. Start your day by saying, “Holy Spirit, use me to pray for someone today. I offer You my measure of faith.”

Once we truly join together in faith, all the demons of hell won’t be able to overcome us. We’ll march right over them in the fullness of the power of Jesus and bring the age to a glorious close!

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16

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