50 Prayers To Pray If You Seek A Life Partner

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If you feel you are getting late for marriage, these are prayers you can pray that attracts the right life partner.

The bible says that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and only violent men takes (what belongs to them) by force.

Your spouse belongs to you. So, you must take him or her by force.

The best way to destroy all delays in marriage is to engage the enemy in a battle and collect back all lost time and resources.

Until you take the step of faith and step forward by praying and seeking, the Lord will not intervene.

The prayer points below will help your attract the right life partner and make your marriage a successful one.

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Prayers for Life Partner You Must Pray Before marriage

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Prayers for Life Partner [Part A]

1) Thank the Lord because your miracle has come.

2) Ask the Lord to forgive you any sin that would hinder answers to your prayers.

3) Lord, make known to me the secrets of my inner life.

4) Help me Lord, to discover my real self.

5) I render every imagination of the enemy against my marital life impotent.

6) I refuse to co-operate with any anti-marriage spells and curses, in the name of Jesus.

7) I cancel every bewitchment fashioned against my settling down in marriage.

8) I paralyze every force magnetizing the wrong people to me.

9) I break every covenant of marital failure and late marriage.

10) I cancel every spiritual wedding conducted consciously or unconsciously on my behalf.

11) I remove the hand of household wickedness from my marital life, in the name of Jesus.

12) I neutralize every incantation, incisions, hexes and other spiritually harmful activities working against me in the name of Jesus.

13) I paralyse all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely in the name of Jesus.

14) I remove all evil anti-marriage marks on me in Jesus’ name.

15) Lord, restore me to the perfect way if there is any alteration in me.

16) Father, let your fire destroy every satanic weapon fashioned against my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

17) Lord, expose all the schemes and plans of Satan ever devised again me through any source and at any time.

18) I forsake any personal sin that has given ground to the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

19) I reclaim all the ground I have lost to the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

20) I apply the power in the name and blood of Jesus to my marital situation.

Prayers for Life Partner [Part B]

21) I apply the blood of Jesus to remove all consequences of evil operations and oppression.

22) I break the binding effect of anything of evil ever put upon me from any source.

23) I expose all the enemies of Jesus Christ operating against my life.

24) I sever myself from any satanic linkage and any strange power.

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25) I remove the right of the enemy to afflict my plan for marriage.

26) I break every bondage of inherited marital confusion, in the name of Jesus.

27) I bind and plunder the goods of every strongman attached to my marriage.

28) Let the angels of the living God roll away the stone blocking my marital breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

29) I remove my name from the book of seers of goodness without manifestation.

30) God arise and scatter all the enemies of my marital breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

31) Let the fire of God melt away the stones hindering my marital blessings.

32) I uncover all cloud blocking the sunlight of my glory and breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

33) I bound all evil spirits masquerading to trouble my marital life in the name of Jesus.

34) No power shall abort the pregnancy of good things within me in the name of Jesus.

35) Lord, let wonderful changes begin to be my lot from this week.

36) I reject every spirit of the tail in all areas of my life, in Jesus’ name.

37) I receive my right match in the name of Jesus.

38) I stand against every spirit of discouragement, fear, worry and frustration, in the name of Jesus.

39) Lord, turn away all that would jilt, disappoint or fail me.

Thank God for the victory

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Bible Verses On Seeking Life Partner

Habakkuk 2:3 says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Isaiah 34:16 says, “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.”

Philip. 2:9-10 says, Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [10] That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;”

Col. 2:13 says, “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;”

Rev. 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Luke 1:37 says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Conclusion on Prayer Points For Life Partner

Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God must come to pass. None shall return to him void because He backs them with His authority.

And since he said,

“…”for it is not good for a man to be alone. Let’s us make him an help meet.”

Expect that he will answer your prayers.

He who instituted marriage and perform his first miracle at a wedding will answer your prayers.

So, pray the above prayers in your daily devotion with assurance that you will meet your life partner soon.

It is my prayer that God will step into your situation, break down every wall of partition between you and your God-ordained partner and gather you together by His Spirit. Amen!

About Devotional 2023

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