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Winners Covenant Hour of Prayer 22nd October 2018 Bishop Oyedepo

We are in the last days, the days of the strange works and strange acts of God. But the strange acts of God are facilitated by the Ministry of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 28:21-22, Luke 4:14, Luke 5:26).
From scriptures we understand that:
- The last days are the days of the Manifestation of the Holy Ghost (Psalm 110:1-3, Joel 2:28-32)
- The last days are days of the Dominion of the Church (Micah 4:1-2, Psalm 110:1-3, Obadiah 1:21)
- The last days are ordained for Explosive Church Growth (Micah 4:1-2, Isaiah 2:1-3)
- But supernatural church growth is impossible without the Holy Ghost at work (Acts 1:15, Acts 2:1-4, 37-41, Acts 5:14)
- The last days are the Reigning Days of the Church (Psalm 110:1-3, Psalm 87:1-7, Obadiah 1:21)
- The last days are days of Rising Stars in the church (Micah 4:1-2, Psalm 87:1-7, Daniel 12:3)
This is why, we must continue to engage the Holy Spirit to see God’s plan and purpose fully delivered in our lives (Zechariah 4:6, Acts 4:23-31, Ephesians 5:18).
Furthermore, we are in the latter days of the last days (Joel 2:23-26). The latter days are the days of greater glory (Haggai 2:3-9, Zechariah 10:1).
But the Holy Ghost is the master-facilitator of every divine agenda on the earth (Matthew 24:14, Acts 1:8, John 16:7-8, John 14:16-18).
The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of glory (Psalm 63:1-3, Ephesians 4:4-5, 1 Peter 4:14).
Just as we must be born again, we must also continue be filled with the Holy Spirit (John 3:7, Acts 2:37-38, Acts 4:29-31, Luke 5:37-39).
We must continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit, if we must be bonafide partakers of this season of greater glory (Joel 2:1-11, 28-30, Ephesians 5:18).
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of October 2018 is:
SEASONS OF GLORY – 2 Corinthians 3:18
Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
- Anointing for Breakthrough
- Understanding the Anointing
- Anointing for Exploits
- Release of Power
- Manifestation of the Spirit
We must all be set to experience the glory of God in greater dimension this month.
Remain ever blessed. Jesus is Lord!
Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Winners’ Chapel International
Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland Ota-Lagos
- God still sends prophets to His people today (Luke 4:25-27)
- Prophets are God’s confidants on issues relating to His children and the world around us at large (Amos 3:7, Genesis 18:17-19, Genesis 20:7)
- But we must believe God and His prophets for their Ministries to impart on our lives (2 Chronicles 20:20)
- This year 2018 shall be a New Dawn year indeed for all Winners and all our diverse spiritual extensions
- As we all know, what we don’t declare, God cannot confirm (Isaiah 44:26, Mark 16:20)
- Whatever we are ashamed to SAY boldly, we are never going to SEE openly (Mark 8:38, Acts 14:3)
- Remember, every Prophetic Word leaves us with a responsibility, that is, what we must do for His Word to come to pass in our lives, because we serve a covenant keeping God (Psalm 89:34, James 1:22-25)
- As you personalize the prophetic declarations for the year 2018, expect to see speedy delivery of every prophetic verdict as detailed here, in the name of jesus Christ, Amen.
- All through 2018, every step of mine shall be a New Dawn step — Isaiah 48:21
- Impossible doors shall continue to open to me all through this New Dawn Year — Revelation 3:7
- All through 2018, I shall be breaking forth into new realms of glory — 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Every concern of my life shall be turned to a New Dawn order of testimonies this year — Psalm 126:1
- All through 2018, my path shall continue to shine more and more in all areas of my life — Proverbs 4:18
- Every month of the year 2018 shall deliver its good fruits for me – Revelation 22:1-3
- All through the year 2018, things that eyes have not seen nor ears heard shall become the order of the day in my life — 1 Corinthians 2:9
- In 2018, I shall take full delivery of my prophetic New Dawn package with speed – Jeremiah 1:11-12
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall continue to sing a new song — Psalm 126:1-3
- By reason of the glory of God upon my life, multitudes shall follow me to worship my God in 2018 — Zechariah 8:20-23
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my walk with God all through 2018 and beyond — Isaiah 45:1-3, Psalm 1:1-3
- All through 2018, and beyond, I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my prayer life — Luke 2:37, Matthew 6:6, 17-18
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my spiritual understanding all through 2018 and beyond — Isaiah 60:1-3, Lamentations 1:22-25
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my consecration to God -2 Timothy 2:19-21
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my love for God all through 2018 and beyond — 1 Corinthians 2:9
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my commitment to Christ and the interest of His kingdom — Matthew 6:33
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my pursuit after souls all through 2018 and beyond — Daniel 12:3, Proverbs 11:33
- All through 2018 and beyond, the plan of the wicked against my advancement in life shall continue to come to naught — Isaiah 54:17, Luke 10:1, 17-1 9
- All through 2018, there shall be no breakdown of peace in my family -Job 34:29
- All through 2018, no member of my family and I shall be a victim of any form of accidents or mishaps – Exodus 23:20
- In 2018, every appointment with death concerning members of my family and I shall not stand because no one shall be buried in my household this year — Psalm 102:20
- In 2018, all the manipulations of hell against my marital settlement shall be brought to naught — Psalm 68:6, Psalm 34:10
- In 2018, all the arrows of the wicked against my fruitfulness shall not stand, because I shall be visited with supernatural conception and delivery — Isaiah 8:9-10
- In 2018, the last assault I suffered from the hand of the wicked shall be the last I will ever see in my life — Isaiah 49:24-26
- My year of supernatural victory over all the battles of my life has finally come — Isaiah 63:4
- I have been redeemed to live a sickness-free life and so shall it be for me all through 2018 and beyond — Matthew 8:17, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Proverbs 13:17
- In 2018, every dying or dead part of my body, shall bounce back to fullness of life and shall remain so for life — Exodus 23:25-26, Romans 8:11
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall no longer waste my resources to stay healthy anymore — Jeremiah 8:19-22, Psalm 41:1-3
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my health all through the year 2018 and beyond — Jeremiah 30:17, Job 33:21-25
- I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord — Psalm 118:17, John 14:19
- I shall be stepping into my wealthy place on earth this year — Psalm 66:2, Matthew 6:33
- All through 2018, the windows of heaven shall be opened over my life through the mystery of tithing and shall remain so for life — Matthew 3:10-11, Psalm 37:18-19
- 2018 shall be my year of showers of blessings — Ezekiel 34:26, Deuteronomy 28:1-13
- Every form of crisis in my business and career is over this year — Psalm 1:1-3, Hebrews 11:6
- I shall continue to experience a New Dawn in my finances from henceforth — Isaiah 43:18-19, 2 Corinthians 8:1-3, Philippians 4:15-19
- All through 2018 and beyond, the Lord shall continue to show me the way forward at every point in my journey — Psalm 32:8
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall not suffer anymore set backin my life — Exodus 14:14-15
- All through 2018 and beyond, no blessings of the Lord shall ever be reverted in my life anymore — Ecclesiastes 3:14
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall continue to experience the hand of the God of speed in every area of my life — 1 Kings 18:46
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall no more be a subject of pity among men, but all men shall continue to envy the good hand of God upon my life — 1 Peter 2:9
- All through the year 2018 and beyond, I shall be scaling new heights without stress — Psalm 25:14, Isaiah 60:1-3, 22
- 2018 shall be my year of enviable settlement in all areas of my life — I Peter 5:10
- The year 2018 shall be my year of all round rest – 2 Chronicles 15:12-15
- The year 2018 shall be a year of joy unspeakable and full of glory for me – 1 Peter 1:8
- God is turning my mourning into dancing this year and for life — Psalm 30:11
- Whatever has kept me at the ‘beautiful gate’ living a pitiable life is finally over this year — Isaiah 61:1
- All through 2018 and beyond, I shall not have any reason to cast my head down anymore — Psalm 23:6
- My generations after me shall not suffer any form of shame and reproach anymore — Zephaniah 3:19-20
- God shall be turning me to a celebrity in my endeavours this year — Isaiah 60:22
- Every day of my life in 2018, shall be Christmas — Psalm 68:19, Job 36:11
Thank you Lord Jesus, for unveiling your goodwill as it relates to me for the year 2018 (Luke 2:14, John 10:10).
I believe these prophetic verdicts with all my heart and I believe in your unfailing faithfulness to confirm every line that relates to me with speed in this New Dawn year.
My Father, I believe in you and I believe in your prophet and I am fully persuaded that it shall be a New Dawn year indeed for me, as I continue to openly make these prophetic declarations in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
Winners Chapel International Inc.
Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota-Lagos