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W.F Kumuy DCLM Live Monthly Revival Programme September Edition
W.F Kumuy DCLM Live Monthly Revival Programme September Edition (September 21-22 , 2018)
Deeper Christian Life Ministry is a non-denominational Christian Ministry with its international headquarters, Deeper Life Bible Church Lagos in Lagos. Wikipedia
Headquarters: Lagos
Founder: William Kumuyi
Founded: 1973, Lagos
W.F Kumuyi In Igbo land DCLM Live Monthly Revival Programme September Edition (September 21-22 , 2018)
Pastor W.F Kumuyi Live Streaming HERE DCLM Workers’ Training
Dearly beloved,
I am delighted to warmly welcome you to our homepage. You have come to the right place at the right time. Here, we are very passionate about your eternal destiny and committed to your spiritual welfare. This is a website that has a lot to offer you – with unlimited access to life-transforming, systematic and expository teaching of the word of God and resources specifically tailored to meet your own spiritual needs; deepen your walk with God and add value to your entire life.
Our numerous resources are carefully prepared with you in mind- to satisfy your spiritual hunger; enhance your spiritual growth and; equip you for divine service, all round success and victory over the challenges of life. W.F Kumuy DCLM Live Monthly Revival Programme September Edition (September 21-22 , 2018)
You can now plunge into the great riches of the Kingdom that have been preserved for you via the hyperlinks to pages on downloadable sermons, Bible studies, target-group resources, gospel literature and magazines, leadership and church growth materials and faith-building testimonies etc. You can equally link up with us via this site for live streaming/broadcast of our regular refreshing worship and study sessions as well as soul-stirring, power-packed special revival services. Stream DCLM Bible Study (6th August, 2018) W. F Kumuyi
Live Stream DCLM Bible Study (6th August, 2018) W. F Kumuyi

It is now my greatest delight to invite you to commit the rest of your life to the Great Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins- to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour; to enjoy the warmth of our fellowship, and then travel along with us on this highway of holiness to our eternal home in heaven.
Once again, I welcome you to a lifetime of unforgettable and eternally-beneficial experience of walking with God.
As you continue to explore and enjoy the riches of grace uncovered through our numerous materials and online resources, may the LORD continue to richly bless you (Amen). Live Stream DCLM Bible Study (6th August, 2018) W. F Kumuyi
– Pastor W. F. Kumuyi.