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Being Extracts from Pastor E.A Adeboye Address to the Young Adults and Youths during Day 4 Evening, Plenary Session 10 of The RCCG IYC Convention 2023 – “A SESSION WITH THE FATHER”.
But in other to help you to Pray correctly tonight; when we are talking of Enlargement, the best illustration is the Balloon.
You know that “Little Rubber” – Something that you will blow it and it will become Big.
You blow it once, it becomes Big; you blow twice, it becomes Bigger and so on.
And you want “Real Enlargement”; then you must be like a Balloon – A Balloon who will surrender himself/herself to the Almighty God saying: “God blow into me”.
When you read Acts 2: 1-4 – On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit blew into the Apostles. You know the Story.
And we will just pick one of them – “PETER“:
Also see; prophecies-word-of-knowledge-during-the-rccg-october-2023-holy-ghost-service
1. When the wind blew into him, he Preached one Sermon and won three thousand (3,000) Souls.
2. The Next Day, he waa on the way to the Temple and he saw a Man who has been born Lame – He grabbed him by the hand and say: You can’t remain Lame when I am around.
He wasn’t the one talking – The Bible says that out of the Abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks.
It was the “Air of God” in him (Peter) that was speaking!
He became Enlarged all of a sudden – And an “Ordinary Fisherman” was no longer Ordinary!
3. But then after he made the Lame to walk et cetera et cetera; there was another occasion in Acts 4:31 – The same People who were blown into on Mount Carmel, got another blowing from the Lord on the Day of Pentecost (The Second Blowing).
Also see; special-announcements-during-the-rccg-october-2023-holy-ghost-service
And then, all of a sudden, Peter became Somebody who can just speak a word and a Liar will die.
… He doesn’t have to touch now to get Miracles to happen.
His Shadow was now beginning to do Miracles because God blew into Him – First Time and Second Time.
One of us that we know very well, sang a Song – “Breathe on Means he got to the Point.
NOTES: “Breathe Your Name Upon Me” was sang by Dunsin Oyekan.
The Question is – How much Breathing can God do without you bursting?
Also see; special-announcements-during-the-rccg-october-2023-holy-ghost-service
Today, I am going to ask the Almighty God to breathe into you – At least you will get the “First Breadth” from Him tonight.
And then, I will leave you to go on and ask Him how many times that you want Him to breathe on you – That will determine how large that you will become.
Nothing goes for Nothing – You must be willing to Pay the Price!
And when you begin to Pay the Price, the Enlargement will come!
There is no way that you can breathe into a Balloon and the Balloon will not expand.
But you have to be Hungry, you have to be Thirsty before you can be satisfied.
So my Father and my God, I commit all Your Children into Your Hands.
Thank You for those “Wonderful People” You have given unto me.
Thank You God Almighty for the “Beautiful Teachings” they have received thus far.
I Thank You for the Speakers of this Year (RCCG IYC 2023) – I Thank You because they are “Well Chosen”, I Thank You for Your Anointing upon their lives and I know that as they are Ministering, the Power in Your Word is already Imparting Your Children.
So Father, accept my Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, the Time has come for the Enlargement of Your Children to begin – Father, breathe into them.
Your Breadth Lord God Almighty that Change “Ordinary Mud” to a “Living Soul”; Father, breathe on them.
Your Breadth that Parted the Red Sea; my Father and my God, breathe on Your Children.
Your Breadth that makes dry bones to live again, breathe on Your Children.
And Father, let their Enlargement begins now.
Soon, they will be talking to You Lord – Please, answer them by Fire and don’t let them die Young.
When they leave this RCCG IYC Convention 2023; Lord God Almighty, let them become “Fire-Brand” for You.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now, it is up to you now – Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
You know what you want; and you know how much of His Breadth that you want.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God and Pray – He will answer you!!!