Table of Contents
DATE: 15TH JUNE 2023.
Let somebody the Shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Do you know that Emmanuel is an African?
Oh, you don’t know? So you haven’t studied your Map of Africa? You don’t know where Emmanel was born?
Let’s clap for the Lord!
Emmanel is an African – And Africa shall be saved – Amen.
We are Praying, we are working. And to those of you who have been there with us over the years (in America) and you have been given some work to do in some Parts of Africa, we want to say Thank You for all you have been doing.
The Lord will Honour the Labour of your Love – Amen.
He will always Replenish your Purse – Amen.
You will have more to Spend – Amen!
And you will never Spend for Devourers, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
… If you believe it shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
We are not asking for too much: just one hundred (100) Dollars Per Parish (Per Month). Even if you are contributing it one-one Cent.
I don’t want to hear that one; it is too small for Emmanel – one hundred (100) Dollars per Parish (Per Month).
Even the Sunday School Children where I come from in Nigeria, they will contribute more than that on a Sunday.
So I believe everybody is challenged today. You as an individual, it is a blessing for you to Contribute to the Welfare of the People in Africa.
You have heard the Testimony of our Beloved, telling us about the beginning of a New Thing – And it will continue with us all of us, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
So this evening I just want to Pray for you.
Even if you love Africa; without giving us anything, just raise your right hand and receive the Blessing of the Almighty God.
My Lord and my God, my Father, the Lover of the whole Universe. I Bless You, I give You Praise from my Heart.
Thank You for the day You gave this Vision; and we Thank You for where You have led us to.
We Thank You for the help we have received. We Thank You for what You have done already in Africa.
We are so Grateful for all the People You have been using.
Thank You for those who have gone there, for those who have spent their time, and for those who are even on the Mission Field right now.
We want to say Thank You for everybody who has had an impact on Mission in Africa.
Father, accept our Thanks and Praises, in the Name of Jesus!
For everyone in the House here or reading now on the Label of DMC – whose Heart is going to Africa right now;
Who says “I will give something”, “I will continue to give”; Lord God Almighty, You that say when You open no man can shut;
We say tonight, we are asking that You will open the Blessings of the Almighty God from Heaven on them!
Because they are attaching Part of their Expenses to Africa, tonight Lord, You will open more Doors of Blessings for Your People.
Blessings Spiritual, Material, Physical, Marital, Academical and in all wise.
Let those Doors be Open from Heaven today, in the Name of Jesus!
Let them carry Abundance of Blessings from this Convention in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
And when next we shall be talking about African Mission here, Lord let Testimonies abound!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
If you Love Africa, shout: “I LOVE AFRICA!”
God Bless You – Amen.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.