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Live Stream Major 1 Bushiri First International Visitors Program In RSA
First International Visitors Program In RSA LIVE With Major 1 Prayer Mountain, Rustenburg 28/1/19
Bushiri Major 1 Live Sunday Service 28/01/19
Sunday Live with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 02/09/2018
Shepherd Bushiri – Preacher Sunday Live with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography, Family And Age
Born and bred in Lilongwe, Malawi, Prophet Bushiri who is also known as “Major 1” hails from a very poor African Christian family and was raised by parents who were both Christian. Sunday Live with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri There is no factual information about the young prophet’s parents and how old he is, but there are speculations that he is the fourth child a family of six children born by Huxley and Cristina Bushiri who hails from Zambia. According to the unconfirmed information, Bushiri was born on the 20th of February 1978 and that he was named Shepherd Bushiri by his mother after her ordeal while giving birth to him.
Shepherd Huxley Bushiri, known as “Major One” or “the Prophet”, is a Christian evangelical preacher from Malawi.
Bushiri attended Moyale Secondary School located in Mzuzu where he obtained his SSCE. He furthered at Therapon University where he obtained his higher education degree. However, his journey as a prophet of God began at age 10 when a supernatural being he recognised as God appeared to him in a dream and ordering him to go warn the people of the world to repent of their sins. Thereafter, the prophet recounts that God kept appearing to him with messages for people and he was comfirmed by God Himself to be his prophet. He is mightily used in prophetic, healing and deliverance ministries.
Net Worth And Private Jets
If only we all had the talent, there would be more traffic in the air than the roads. The private jet craze has really infected our pastors and politicians. The Malawian pastor just purchased a new Gulf Stream private jet on January 6, 2016, making it the 3rd in his jet collection. What can I say, a brand new jet for a brand new year! Sunday Live with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Sunday Live with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 02/09/2018