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God’s love is not going to flow in us if we are selfish and mean.
God’s love is not going to flow in us if we are covetous, or if we fuss and argue. You cannot harbor bitterness and ill will.
You can’t let ugly feelings linger in your heart and still feel this divine flow of love that I am talking about.
Let us keep our hearts clean of all animosity toward anyone.
Let us be willing to humble ourselves, not to have a high opinion of ourselves, but be willing to make peace with everybody. Then the love of God will dwell in our hearts.
The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The gentle dove of the Holy Spirit is not going to abide and shed abroad the love of God if we have animosity and unforgiveness in our hearts.
You might wonder, Where shall I go today? Get full of love and see where it goes out.
You don’t have to manufacture it.
When this divine flow of love comes, you automatically begin to think of others. Stay full of the Holy Spirit.
Suddenly you will have somebody on your heart. Until then, just go on, love God and do your work.
Then when you feel God’s love flowing through you to a certain person, act right then. Don’t hesitate.
Pick up the phone and call themright then. Go to them personally, if possible.
When the Lord moves on me in this way, flooding in my heart with His supernatural love for an individual, I pick up the
phone and call them. I say, “Well, I don’t know what your need is (unless God has revealed it to me), but God has impressed
me that He is going to bless you today and that His love is flowing out toward you.
Whatever you have need of, you are
going to get it because God’s love is shining on your heart.God guided me to you today to minister to you in the Name of
the Lord Jesus.”
Many times these people have broken into tears and said,
“Oh, you will never know the burden I’ve been under!” But God knew.
Too many times we try to make it such a complicated thing. But it is not. God is love! Follow love! Be guided by love!
Walk in the streamof God’s love.
Be guided by it and follow it; for where love is streaming, God is going and God is
Don’t miss out on this precious experience by holding back when God moves on you and by failing to yield to Him when He leads you to reach out and touch and bless the lives of others.
Whatever you have need of, you are going to get it.
because God’s love is shining on your